When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

Okay Which doctor do you love? I'm all for Davaid T and Matt Smith! Yummy! Okay that was a girl reply but they are so cute and I'm have a thing for the brits! Curses!

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

My first exposrue to the series was with Tom Baker as the Doctor, so he is my first choice. David Tennant is a very close secxond - really enjoyed his performance as the Doctor.

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

Tom Baker was the Gold Standard of the orignal series.

Only if you are American. I grew up in Hong Kong (Bristish colony then) and it's Jon Pertwee for me.

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

I'd have to agree with NIM. The series over the years has been highly enjoyable to watch, regardless of who played the Doctor. Although the special effects in the early years were pretty lame, the stories were always excellent and , combined with the performances of the casts,more than made up for that.

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

And no doubt there are others who would say Hartnell, Troughton, Davison, Colin Baker, McCoy, Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, Hurndall, McGann, Cushing, Atkinson and the various one-offs. The great thing is that there is no best or worst Doctor. Every one has strengths and weaknesses.
As a longstanding who fan, l have to agree, there is no best or worst actor who played the Dr, Whilst it did go thru a few yrs of ropey moments due to script, stroey or setting etc & some of the acting plus a few creatures were farcial, each series & Dr has its own merit so guess its down to 'who' you grew up watching most & for me it will always be Harnell & Pertwee, tho the last few like the serioes over all have been proven ace too!

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Fav or Best of....?

Surely the more interesting/contravercial questions would be:
Which was your fav: Creature, Assistant mabye which was best series & why PLUS will we ever see a female Dr?

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

I only saw a few of the original series, in the Tom Baker years, and liked him, but David Tennant is by far my favorite, and Blink my favorite episode. Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...Stuff

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

Both Tom Baker and David Tennant gave an excellent portrayal as the Doctor - hard to pick whch one is best. I have BBC America on my cable again - can start watching the series again.

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

I didn't watch Doctor Who until the reboot with Christopher Eccleston in 2005. Up until Peter Capaldi took over I really liked the show. I hope his second season gets better. So far David Tenant's version has been the most entertaining Doctor Who.

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

My first Doctor was Christopher Eccleston. But my favorite is Tom Baker. With Peter Capaldi as a second.

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RE: When I say Who you say Doctor Who!

Jenna Coleman is a goddess among men...
Oh wait, you were asking about Doctors.... my bad.

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