Is my pubic hair long enough for a FIRST TIME wax?

I want to try getting my pubic hair waxed for the first time to try it out as shaving is a hassle since it grows back so quickly. I was thinking of scheduling an appointment to have it done this weekend, which is about four days away.

The thing is, I shaved about a week ago and good number of hairs already grew back to around 1/4 inch already, which I heard is the minimum length for waxing. So I imagine in four days, it should be the best length.

This is how my body hair looks now after shaving a week ago. As you can see, my hair grows back pretty quickly

Does this look long enough to wax? Again, I plan to have it done in four days so the hair should be little longer than that. If I wait one more week, I'm afraid it might get too long and my add more pain.

What do you think?

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RE:Is my pubic hair long enough for a FIRST TIME wax?

Ask the person who do the waxing. They have plenty of experience.

I emailed the picture to them and they said they can do it at that length. I hope they are right and they are just not saying that so I go there sooner.

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