Good Books

Hi All,

Lately I have begun reading books on Naturism and Nudism. The last book I just finished was Dare to Bare. It was a good read and went over a lot of topics that a person new to the lifestyle would be interested in. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for further reading on the topic.


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RE:Good Books

Please check out the group. Avid naked readers. I think you will find various topics

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RE:Good Books

I will do that, thanks!

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RE:Good Books

I like one called Naked at Lunch. He describes many nude activities and places where I have been - totally accurately. And he adds a bit on the history and philosophy of nudism. But mostly it is real life and amusing.

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RE:Good Books

Check out our list of naturist and naturist related books here

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RE:Good Books

Naked at Lunch is now on my watch list. Thanks

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RE:Good Books

Thanks for the link. Im going to look through tonight to see what is out there....

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RE:Good Books

What I read is rather specialized. British military history of the Victorian area.

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