RE:Are Any Members Traveling This Summer?

It was a split hose on the cold air charger. The engine is a Maxxforce 7 and found on a million school buses built from 2008 to 2015. The tech couldn't get a part number because our Monaco Vesta didn't have a parts catalog. I found the part number and sent it to them. A couple of hundred for the part and $1400 for labor. Apparently, it is difficult to get to.

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RE:Are Any Members Traveling This Summer?

Tech must have been a newbie...the old guys know how to rattle the I know you have discovered.

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RE:Are Any Members Traveling This Summer?

I know what you mean about VIN numbers and what interchanges. I have always been the guy behind the counter that gets all the unusual ... nonstandard requests. I started my first parts job in 1971 with parts books and inventory on 3X5 index cards. It has come a long way and not necessarily for the better. We would all be in trouble if it were not for Youtube repair videos.

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RE:Are Any Members Traveling This Summer?

I think you may find this useful; it probably applies to many vehicles including my towed Fiesta. The battery went dead and I replaced it. But...turn the key and the system is dash readings, no lights, no beep ... nothing. Ford put some sort of computer lock out in certain scenarios will not do anything until you pay $186 ( my dealership) to reset the computer. NO WAY. YouTubed it & found to run jumper from hot battery terminal to ground (with the hot lead disconnected)... it drains the electricity out of the ECMs loses it memory & the lockout ...and your Ford Fiesta now starts. Check it out on varied Youtube videos. Victory & zero cost...YES!!

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RE:Are Any Members Traveling This Summer?

We just got back from a 4 1/2 month RV trip and had a blast. Being able to have our home on wheels made life and travel easy. The only thing we missed was experiencing the local dining in the small towns. Most people were polite and masked and we kept our distance.
From FLA to Oregon and Washington and many points in between. Our Jeep offered us the back road adventures and beautiful scenery to explore au natural.

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RE:Are Any Members Traveling This Summer?

It will depend on the virus and it's affects on hotels and businesses. If it's adverse, we will take the motorhome on a couple of longer trips and escape the triple digit temps we get here in our valley during that time of year. Our fear is that if there's a return to normality, we'll be hard pressed to find a place with space for accommodations, both hotel rooms and RV spots! ;DDD

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RE:Are Any Members Traveling This Summer?

We have to travel this summer to the PNW. I'm cautiously optimistic that a vaccine will be in place by then and everyone's traveling minds will be a bit more at ease. We're lucky to have a travel trailer that is fully self contained so we don't have to do the hotel/restaurant/public restroom route. Although I will say IF it's safe to go into a restaurant, we certainly would because those folks have been hit really hard (not that everyone else hasn't). But I think personally, I'm going to be wearing a mask for quite some time even after they say it's over.

As far as finding accommodations, that's a whole other aspect to travel when this is over. Like Andy, I'm afraid you're going to have to be really astute on choosing a route. I mean EVERYBODY is going to be getting out there. Thankfully, there are options. Personally we subscribe to a site called Boondockers Welcome that's $25 a year and it is a network of private homeowners who are gracious enough to let you park at their home/property/ranch etc for a night or two for free. It's a wonderful way to meet new people and it gives you an option over a full campground. That doesn't mean you'll be able to find a host on your route of if they are available but we've used the site 3 times last year and all were a great experience. Plus you have the option of Wallydocking/ Cabelas/Cracker Barrel for a one night stop. Caveat on these ...always ask before you park and don't assume they'll let you stay but in most cases they will let you.

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