Any funny swimming stories?

Winter of 2016 Upstate NY. (I know)

Freshman year of college my dorm friends and me began delving in nudism then streaking and finally skinny-dipping.

All was great. We had a large group of nudist partakers, but a mini brotherhood started to form, as we were the ones that most often were nude.

The five of us made a pact: we would skinny dip at least once every season on a lake nearby no matter what. All was fine and dandy until winter came around. Ever lived through the winter in upstate NY? You learn a mantra: 15 below are not that big a deal. It will be April and Satan wills occasionally dandruff over the mountains. Still, we braved the cold to our usual spot at the lake. But what were we gonna do? The lake was frozen solid. Were we gonna make a hole in the ice? No.

"Let's just lay on the ice and make it count. What could POSSIBLY go wrong. Around this time a young fellow (let's call him Mark) became part of our--squad of doom. I had never heard of the guy but it was communicated that he would join us. College kids are shy and tacit about nudism. We called it the thing and Mark was coming to the thing that night. Ok so we hurry to disrobe to lie on the ice. Naturally one would think he should lay with his backside toward the ice right? Wrong. Mark laid face down.

He got.... stuck. So we lie on the ice, yelping the entire way through and shake the snow off and begin to put our clothes back on. Why is Mark not getting up? "Guys my **** is stuck to the ice!" He begins to yell profanity. Everyone begins to flee the scene because they don't hear Mark, but a couple of us do. We struggle a bit to get him off, and I even had to personally peel off his junk to help him out. We tried to be careful, but he still got injured, and had the pleasure of explaining what happened to him at the health center of the university.

Anyway. At least if it's not fun at the time at least it turns into a good story later right? What are y'all's stories?

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RE:Any funny swimming stories?

Not a skinny dipping story, I'm afraid, but I was wearing a bikini. I had gone with some coworkers to a lake, out on a rowboat. We came to a most unusual spot -- in the middle of the lake, the bottom suddenly came up to only chest deep. I got out of the rowboat and was standing on that "underwater island," when I noticed that the cinder block we were using for an anchor was dragging. The boat was drifting away.

I called out, "You're dragging anchor!"

Three times I called that out, but the people in the boat did not react. The boat drifted away to where I could not get to it. So there I was, marooned on this chest-deep "island" while I waited for them to maneuver the boat back.

Me: "I said you were dragging anchor"

Person in boat, "I didn't know that's what you meant."

Me: "What did you think I meant?"

Person in boat: "I had no idea what you meant!"

How is this possible? They knew what "you're" meant; they knew what "dragging" meant; and they knew what "anchor" meant; so how could they have had no idea what "You're dragging anchor" meant?

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