I may have the best tan this early in the season that I have ever had. Not much else to do while in COVID jail, and I am fortunate to have a private backyard. While the temps have been on a roller coaster the last month or so, we have had plenty of warm sunny days, and the sun is high enough now that the hot tub is in full sun for all of the morning and most of the afternoon, so even if it's a bit chilly, I can still be in it on those days.
John aka cobeachbum
As a side note, remember the old days of the Deep South. It was quite desirable to have very pale white skin for the ladies. Thats why you see parasols in many of the old pictures. It also meant you had a life of luxury as working in the fields or outside around the homestead was not required. The cycle now continues in the other direction.
Our temps went from low to mid 60's to 80+ in one day! The rest of the week will be hot with Friday being in the mid 90's! {snip}
Where I live the mid 60's count as a hot day.
I can be naked in my garden any time I like but getting more tan is restricted to days when it isn't raining.
I reckon my tan's as deep as it's ever been with this summer. Half an hour each side keeps my in my self-imposed sun budget. I'm just a little pale on the hips from time walking at textile beaches, but it's subtle. Not sure how the tan shall last through our upcoming winter.