Flagging people and sites

Does anyone know what happens when a person gets flagged. There is a new site set up by a man from Italy. It is called lovers of pussy or somthing to that affect. I personaly am ofended that it is alowed on this site. Any suggestions on what we can do. If we start voiceing our contempt with these sites, maybe something can be done. I am open to any good ideas. Keep it nude, not lude!!

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RE: Flagging people and sites

The way I understand it is that flagging calls the infraction to the attention of TT1, the site owner. But TT1 is just one person, who is overloaded. If several people flag the offender, then TT1 is more likely to take heed.

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RE: Flagging people and sites

If I flag someone, is that something that will be held against me?

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