Quality of life or life.
Heart attack 3 years ago, 4 stints. Stints collapsed, quadruple bypass 2-1/2 years ago. Everything wonderful until a couple of months ago. Now being diagnosed with A-Fib. There is a procedure to cure it, but no elective procedures until after the Covid-19 issue is resolved. Dr. wants to put me on Amiodarone. Was on it immediately following the heart attack, and the side affects sucked. Fortunately got off of it after a couple of months. One of the major side affects is that exposure to the sun makes your skin turn blueish grey. I personally live for being out in the sun and couldn't imagine having to be covered from head to toe. So do I choose quality of life, and running free and naked, or do I choose life? By the way, I'm 63 and have done many wonderful things, and have no regrets. Any thoughts? No judgement, just curious about other opinions.
Discuss the side effects with your Dr. The may be another medication he/she could prescribe. Even if there's isn't, it sounds like you would only be on it until the covid situation settles. It's a temporary delay, not a death sentence. The side effects suck, but after the ablation you're done, correct? Sounds like a way to bide time until the procedure can be done.
I was born with heart problems. I've been living with A-fib for a decade. You get to where you can feel when an attack is coming on. I just pull over (if driving) or lay down if able and wait it out. I find that taking deep breaths and holding for a second then letting out can put me back in rhythm. I'm 50.