First nude gardening of the year.

Today I got my first nude gardening of the year in mainly in the veg patch getting the ground ready to plant onion sets and the first potatoes of the year and the next couple of days it is also meant to be good weather so will be doing some more nude gardening.

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

Yes, that first time out in the garden in the spring is magical. Still too cold here, but at least I have the greenhouse to work in on those sunny days.

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

Having done the firt lawn mow a week ago I did the first edge trim after this week's cut - front and back.
The pictures are frame grabs from
this video.

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

Really jealous of everyone with greenhouses. Mine was supposed to be started last October along with some retaining walls, but the weather has kept it from getting started. I have quail, chicks and ducklings along with lots of seedling flats going in a semi-remodeled room in the basement and plants arriving every few days in the mail. Just short outdoor tasks so far, but it won't be long now.

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

Yes, the sun is lovely here at the moment, but it is still cold. I'd definitely need a greenhouse to feel warm. My garden is very overlooked though, so I'm trying to get some screening added.I thing World Naked Gardening Day is early May.

Yes it was on the cool side and about one C warmer than you are listed for "Cambridge" and as the greenhouse (8' X 8') is more or less full for now I have been working outdoors naked from about 10 to 4 as before and after this it is getting cold but it is only late March. Ps WNGD is the 2nd May this year.

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

I thing World Naked Gardening Day is early May.

It is always a severe shrinkage day around here ;-(

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

@johngw, I love the pictures of you tending your FRONT garden naked (nude gardening group) and the video. Of course, your garden isn't as open to the street as most, so you can get away with it - even with folk driving by... Well done.

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

Its been so warm here this week and being in lockdown I have finally started creating a veg garden. And what better way to do this than being nude, apart from wellies. It was so liberating. We are overlooked in some parts of the garden but where the plot is the only risk is if people living across the road are sitting looking out of their bedroom windows.

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

Yesterday was my first nude gardening day of the year as well. Temperature was in the mid 50's with plenty of sunshine. I spent the whole afternoon raking the yard and opening up the hot tub after a long winter. It was so nice to feel that warm sun on my skin and then a soak in the tub!

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

My garden was planted weeks ago and I am still adding to it. I plan to tell up a new section today.
I have Cilantro still growing and eating daily, from my winter garden.

I have no idea what to plant though... I already have Tomatoes, Squash, Basil,Beans of all kinds, Okra, Cucumbers & Radishes.
I am telling today planting tomorrow, any suggestion please let me know.
Central Texas Climate.

Stay Naked & Be Happy,

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RE:First nude gardening of the year.

Well in that spell of warm weather I got 5 nude gardening in which is the best I have ever done for March and another warm spell looks to be here I got some more nude gardening again today with plenty more jobs need to catch up on where it was too wet to do it in the winter.

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