RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

I work in an essential business and still have to go to work every day and interact with the public.
It' shocking to see how many people still don't get what the country is going through and the precautions we all need to be taking.
I have employees who still come to work every day in fear, but they need their paycheck. Some come to continue to support what is left of our economy.
Annie is home suffering from cabin fever but ventured out for groceries, staying well clear of the obviously clueless fellow shoppers.
At home, our only social contact is with our plastic nudist friends who we spend cocktail hour with.

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RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

Our jobs have been put on hold for at least the next month. We were supposed to have gone to New Orleans for a week to my inlaws time share in the French Quarter yesterday but that's not happening. Getting the honey doo list knocked out. We have plenty to keep us busy for the next couple of weeks. If everything is done and we still can't get back to work then we may head to our cabin in North Carolina and hang out for a bit. Maybe do some naked hiking.

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RE:nudist during Current health crisis..

As an introvert with long term health conditions lm well used to and content being single and living alone confined for long periods. So as long as lve got access to Internet meds, and food basics like milk, bread, eggs whilst l will miss enjoying the use beach this summer, the nxt six will mostly be same old. I say six months because although the gvt were clearly careful not to cause panic, it was always evident that without a vaccine, to avoid further contagion, some sort of confinement restrictions would need to last that long. Of course if as was predicted long ago, there is any indication of serious 2nd wave over the winter months these or similar restrictions may possibly be in place even longer! If so this would prove a block to enjoying the usual summer gatherings and the usual seasonal gathering too. Not that l do Xmas in fact l was never keen so gave that farce up ages ago. Lol
But who doesn't like feeling the sun on your body, lazing in company on a beach? But hey small blessings;unlike many l do have a garden which l can enjoy sunbathing nude in do l will cope OK over the coming summer or if need into autumn or winter.

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RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

Not much has changed for us. Like most people, some of our plans for spring and summer have been canceled or at least postponed. We still have a routine that we haven't changed. Naked yoga in the morning and then a 3 mile walk. Motorcycle rides a couple times a week. I do miss stopping for lunch on our rides but a ride clears our heads and we realize that this is a temporary. Life will eventually get back to normal.

From all the informed official sources l hear on UK radio and TV, as with influenza which also kills millions every Yr, this is virus isnt 'going away' and so every nation is in it together for the long haul. I
t seems that if/ when a virus vaccine is finally created, as with flu the best we can eventually do is to use inoculation to slow down contagion or reduce its affects. But unlike small Pox etc as yet there is no end date in sight. There is increasing awareness and agreement that truth is that for 1000 reasons part related to global recession, the world as we previously knew it is now largely forever gone and so its a simple case of acceptance and adjustment. How that will leave the nudist movement is yet to unclear but two obvious ones are the loss of funding for such extended periods will hit nudist clubs, closing many, although the smaller sites with less overhead may get by. The other is the mega hit to the over sea airlines which certainly here in the UK even most established names are on the verge of going bust. Of course that great much needed news for the level if air pollution throughout planet but over seas tourism will obviously take a major hit. But then again with reported mass unemployment levels in the US, UK and Europe, l guess that will just lead to more home stay holidays with bug increase in home based jucuzzi and pool parties? But who knows, only time will tell? One thing is certain, naturism will undoubtedly be hit big time!

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RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

Virtually nothing has changed in the way I live and work, working back on the land to build fence and get a mountainside food farm going. Naked work mostly, when the weather allows. Which means full time spring through fall, at least as much of the time I spend on it which is going to be a whole lot this year. Just spent nearly a week doing repairs on a truck to use back there as the 2 vehicles I've been using are failing or not quite suitable for the job. A good old toyota 4x4 made it my way and I've rebuilt what was wrong with it, just about ready for use now, so will get back to the clothes free fence and garden making up there. do a bit of logging to buy some better tires for it this week, along with replacing the master cylinder to get the brakes up to par and getting a winch installed on it. Needed a small truck with good 4x4 and good clearance to haul all the old horse manure from the barn yard to the gardens up there. And move topsoil from other places into the same place to build growbeds over some of the hard clay areas. Then have reliable transport in and out to get my future produce transferred out to market. The roads in and out from top and bottom are mudbog status now after a winter of going in and out daily for fence building, been just barely getting through with the pathfinder with a lot of spinnin and mud slingin, then it's hubs started failing to lock in last week, breaks were already failing, loosing fluid. The toyota showed up just when it was needed. It had been sitting 4.5 years needing major and minor maintenance work, so much it would cost excessive to pay for it all, the owner an old friend of ours gave up on it and bought a newer one. I happened to be over there cutting a tree in his yard and asked him about it, he gave it to me. It has about 450,000 miles on it, with engine no. 3 in it, and it with so many miles the timing chain was done for and spark plugs burned out, several other things to repair and replace. worn bushing in the front differential I rebuilt with brazing in new material and milling it back to size on my shop machines. Lot's of fun stuff to do, a good share of it clothes free work any time I'm working up there outa sight of any objecting personnel.

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RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

We may be on lock down here but you're still allowed to go for walks, a run or the occasional bike ride to enjoy the weather

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RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

UK gvt blocks all non essential global travel 'indefinitely'!

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RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

The Covid virus is still with us but were moving forward anyway. Out here in N FL, it never appeared to be a huge problem but most were somewhat careful. As someone working in a vital industry, it really never changed to speak of. We were much more vigilant about wiping down counters, doors, light switches and that type of stuff. Though everyone at home was vaccinated, we all contracted the Omicron variant, had little to no problems and went on about our business. We do now keep a supply of disinfectant spray & wipes on hand along with multiple bottles of hand sanitizer. Our world is back to pre-Covid normal and were getting ready for our annual resort pilgrimage. How is everyone else faring?

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RE:Current health crisis and nudists...

As a follow onto the prior post, I contracted Covid again. It wasnt very bad and principally resulted in a very stopped up head, runny nose and slight lethargy. My wife said it really appeared to be a moderate cold until I took the test & came back positive. My 5 days isolation period is over tomorrow and I get out & about. The wife felt under the weather last week but never tested positive. Were both pressing on and going about our business. Anyone else experienced the same?

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