RE:Flag a fake

DertinaDK-, - DK

Got it

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RE:Flag a fake

I'm vey cautious about providing my criteria for flagging an account.I look for a few things when someone friend requests me. First is be careful when someone's picture looks too much like a model. Second, look to see if they have any profile information listed and if so the content. Thirdly Im cautious of uncertified nudists.. I've noticed over time that it's slowly becoming more and more difficulty to be certain regarding fake accounts. Seems like they were extremely obvious at first, and then slowly it has become more difficult to tell. Certainly, part of this is due to the fact that scammers notice that certain of their accounts get flagged sooner and more often than others. Further, I believe giving them a list of criteria that's used to determine whether an account is fake or not, just lets them know what to do differently.

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RE:Flag a fake

I'm vey cautious about providing my criteria for flagging an account.I look for a few things when someone friend requests me. First is be careful when someone's picture looks too much like a model. Second, look to see if they have any profile information listed and if so the content. Thirdly Im cautious of uncertified nudists.. I've noticed over time that it's slowly becoming more and more difficulty to be certain regarding fake accounts. Seems like they were extremely obvious at first, and then slowly it has become more difficult to tell. Certainly, part of this is due to the fact that scammers notice that certain of their accounts get flagged sooner and more often than others. Further, I believe giving them a list of criteria that's used to determine whether an account is fake or not, just lets them know what to do differently.

These accounts are not run by individuals. They are part of a swarm of proprietary bots that are sent out to scour the internet for contacts and the associated data. The first generally are a beachhead of an internet service that allows users to create profiles and create networks. You will see that these accounts are not actively working as individuals but rather as a data collection service and what is recorded is activity and how much it is significant is not immediately obvious.

They aren't concerned with the opportunity of being able to keep individual acquisitions but rather maintained population of people who have contacted the local lauthorities with sun .

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RE:Flag a fake

Just got the request from her

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RE:Flag a fake

The bots must be learning...They aren't concerned with the opportunity of being able to keep individual acquisitions but rather maintained population of people who have contacted the local authorities with sun .... by some means. Regardless, providing the details for why accounts are flagged as fake cannot be a good thing -- or, at least, not worth the risk.

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RE:Flag a fake

kalexaHR, - HR

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RE:Flag a fake

And what to the most recent posts have in common? The URL

No matter where the posters originate (and most of them seem to be from eastern Europe), that alone is a flag. I don't think it would be hard for the moderators of the site to write an algorithm that automatically bounces a request with that URL or any URL that shows up in a number of requests. But until that happens, the best we can do is flag them. It's like swatting flies on a warm day near the dairy farm, but if we want to sit there, we have to do it.

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RE:Flag a fake

Please flag and report BigBen_11:

Maybe I'm just overwhelmed with jealousy, but I don't think that cock is real.

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RE:Flag a fake


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RE:Flag a fake

Slava Ukraini!

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