RE:Flag a fake

I guess it's better to be passionately wrongIt would seem that you truly do not understand the purpose of this thread.The purpose of this thread is to fulfill a few people's fantasies that others will actually come here and sort through the names of alleged fakes and then avoid said alleged fakes (according to you).The fact is that most people do not come to the forums and those that do should have enough sense to not automatically believe what is posted here. The fact is that you have one of the biggest fakes who keeps posting here. Why on earth would anyone with any common sense believe what this fake says. Why on earth would anyone now believe you when you stated that someone who posted factual information about a fake is only doing so because he does not like what the person says. Credibility is built upon trust and there is no trust here when some of the people who post here avoid fact and are fakes themselves.However, do not let fact get in the way of anything and continue to believe that posting a person's name here will automatically get others to believe that said person is a fake. There are enough people here with common sense who can figure out very quickly if the person is a fake or scammer. Only a certain unnamed fake individual here believes that people here are too stupid and immature to understand anything. Now back to the delusions of grandeur.........than the be lukewarm correct. And you are certainly passionate.

It would seem that there is some confusion between "fake" and "troll." These are not the same things at all. This thread is for reporting fake profiles. Perhaps there would be some merit in creating a thread to discuss the issue of trolls.

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RE:Flag a fake

Troll vs Fake.This thread is for reporting fake profiles. Trolls are an entirely different matter.

Come on now! What a complete cop out! You must really think that people here are stupid. Trolls have fake profiles. Trolls would be utterly idiotic to create a real profile and then troll a website. Heck, the chief troll here has a fake profile and yet you never say one word about that. It is so painfully obvious that you are selectively posting certain fake profiles and avoiding posting others. You have zero credibility here and everyone with a brain knows this so give us all a break and stop trying to pull one over on us. We are not so stupid in spite of what your chief troll with the fake profile says.

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RE:Flag a fake

Just because you don't like what someone says....This thread is for reporting fake profiles. Trolls are an entirely different obviously choose not to see whats in print before your very eyes , like i said if you need any assistance reading or understanding , i can help youThe detailed reports provided here about trolls are really about nothing more than someone said something that someone else didn't like.

That's not what this thread is about.

There may be some merit in creating a thread to discuss trolls.

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RE:Flag a fake

This thread is about allegations of fakes and then some cop out diversionary nonsense about there being some difference between trolls and fakes. The main poster of fakes here is a troll with a fake profile and the other main poster of fakes refuses to acknowledge this and rambles on about something else in a cheap attempt to deflect away from the obvious. Many people on this site are not so stupid as to need someone else to tell them who the fakes and trolls are. They can figure it our for themselves as well as see through the two chief posters here who have zero credibility because they can not admit to the obvious truth. Irish posted facts from a chat room discussion to back up his claims of a certain person being a fake. The two chief posters refuse to understand this even though Irish has offered to spell out the obvious to them. Sad beyond pathetic.

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RE:Flag a fake

Perhaps there would be some merit in setting up a thread to discuss trolls.This thread is about allegations of fakes and then some cop out diversionary nonsense about there being some difference between trolls and fakes. The main poster of fakes here is a troll with a fake profile and the other main poster of fakes refuses to acknowledge this and rambles on about something else in a cheap attempt to deflect away from the obvious. Many people on this site are not so stupid as to need someone else to tell them who the fakes and trolls are. They can figure it our for themselves as well as see through the two chief posters here who have zero credibility because they can not admit to the obvious truth. Irish posted facts from a chat room discussion to back up his claims of a certain person being a fake. The two chief posters refuse to understand this even though Irish has offered to spell out the obvious to them. Sad beyond pathetic.

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RE:Flag a fake


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RE:Flag a fake


You forgot to also mention "Le_Massuer" who posted to this obvious fake profile and it is obvious by reading his profile what he is looking for here. This is the main problem. Too many sex maniacs here who are not real nudists and come here looking for anything and everything but real nudists. It is too funny at times.

Why not let the fakes connect with other fakes and be done with it. They can have at it.

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RE:Flag a fake


Well this gal is popular,,,15 hours and 41 profile likes and THREE pages of 'friends'...

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RE:Flag a fake


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RE:Flag a fake

Reposted as a clickable link.

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