RE:Flag a fake

Basically anyone with "gay" in their username seems to be a fake

How about basically just about all females seem to be fake. There are only a handful of real women in here.

Very strange that so many women seem to hate men in here with their No Single Male mantra and yet so few men even complain about this hatred. Not all men are evil just as not all women are evil in here but the evil ones (men and women) outnumber the good ones. How about the few good women start supporting the good guys in here instead of remaining silent while a select group of women bash all men. It is really pathetic when a man says hi to a woman and then the result is an instant block. Why this site is enough at times to turn men into women haters and that really would be tragic.

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RE:Flag a fake

In the US the law says a person is innocent until proven guilty. In the American nudist community the law says a single male is guilty. Period.

Blame some of your fellow men (dogs), who just want to bury the bone ;-) I know enough about women to understand the need for equality in number, and not being so out numbered as to feel like a piece of meat on a platter. This site is a perfect example of that. Specifically the comments left on some of the female pictures I have seen/read, it does not take long for the pictures or whole profile to be switched to private :-( I can only imagine what is said in PM's to them, but probably not good :-0

So many men are just plain stupid, they have and continue to wreck things for the rest of us. Yes I am a man, but try to get along with everybody, part of that is a working understanding of the ladies point of view.

Now back to "Flag a fake" please ;-)

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RE:Flag a fake

In the US the law says a person is innocent until proven guilty. In the American nudist community the law says a single male is guilty. Period.

Only 92% of them are guilty.

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RE:Flag a fake

There is an abundance of women asking you to talk on Hangouts, which I dont use, and I had one woman ask if I would send her my ID info, which I obviously did NOT do.

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RE:Flag a fake

There is an abundance of women asking you to talk on Hangouts, which I dont use, and I had one woman ask if I would send her my ID info, which I obviously did NOT do.

Yet guys here are so quick to blame other guys and never blame any women for their outrageous behavior. Why can't the good men and women get together and hold the nasty and abusive men and women accountable for their outrageous behavior? Why are women allowed to be openly hostile to men with their NO Single Males nonsense and why do men suck up to these women? Must be some pretty pathetic guys with no self respect to act like this.

Now back to the endless stream of fake women in here.....................

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RE:Flag a fake

They need to get off the internet and go meet actual people. This site is good to meet others, but it can't be your life.

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RE:Flag a fake

They need to get off the internet and go meet actual people. This site is good to meet others, but it can't be your life.

There is someone who is a genuine nudist now who is literally begging members here to come to a real world meeting. Who says this is a good site to meet people? Some may have met others who live nearby but most by far have not met anyone. Right now I know of a female member who runs another nudist meetup site but is shutting it down after over 10 years of operation. Too many people join such groups and then never participate or ever come to a real world meetup. She is just plain tired of all of the fake nudists who come on line to live a fantasy because they have no real interest or desire in ever experiencing real world nudism. She will instead spend her time at real world nudist venues with real nudists who don't need 'instructions' on how to get nude.

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RE:Flag a fake

There is an abundance of women asking you to talk on Hangouts, which I dont use, and I had one woman ask if I would send her my ID info, which I obviously did NOT do.Yet guys here are so quick to blame other guys and never blame any women for their outrageous behavior. Why can't the good men and women get together and hold the nasty and abusive men and women accountable for their outrageous behavior? Why are women allowed to be openly hostile to men with their NO Single Males nonsense and why do men suck up to these women? Must be some pretty pathetic guys with no self respect to act like this.Now back to the endless stream of fake women in here.....................

Sunlover, I think you missed the point of my post.

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RE:Flag a fake

Being a newbie on this site I was really surprised by the number of friend requests from people who were "soliciting". Some even have been members for many months. I haven't received any solicitations from a certified user, which is what I look for now. I have also noticed that some who have been here many years are not certified. Is it just a silent protest from the folks who have been members for a long time?

Glad to see that the solicitations get booted. I am not here for "hanky panky" and have been quite honest in my profile. My wife and I have been married 41 years. We have been through many trials and tribulations together.

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RE:Flag a fake

I have also noticed that some who have been here many years are not certified. Is it just a silent protest from the folks who have been members for a long time?

Certification requires 2 pictures, Some people can't risk being outed. Like teachers ect..... who would lose their jobs if outed and don't trust the site security to keep the pictures safe from hackers.

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