RE:Flag a fake

Another Leicester fake account, same surname as before but now a different first name


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RE:Flag a fake

Flag a fake - i.e., whack-a-mole. This site is infected. The reason there are so many fakes and solicitations is that there are willing customers that are here just for those connections. Face it - this is becoming a sex site. Unfortunately, those of us who are here as nudists are being caught up in it. What can be done about it? Damm if I know. Start over? Sorry for being negative but things have really gone downhill. I have gotten to the point that I do not trust any new profile. Some fakes are really good. One - Allison from Oklahoma City had me until she said "Colorado, that's in the United States, right?"

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RE:Flag a fake

Some fakes are really good.
Here is an example of a good fake (scam) profile. It is almost believable, but a confirmed fake. And yes, I flagged it.

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RE:Flag a fake

User is using a well known model's photograph so presumably a fake profileDebby19 Rocky Mount, North Carolina US

Must have beat feet!

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RE:Flag a fake

I usually use Image Search from Google to check if the person is using photos found in the net.
I've found this website and if you scroll down I'm pretty sure you'll recognize some photos as they are being used for some female profiles in TN.

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RE:Flag a fake
New York, NY US

Single gay. Do you like spanking?Wanna have some fun? Follow me here and add me as a friend

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RE:Flag a fake

Los Angeles, CA US
Single gay. Looking for a cock. Ready for experiments. Follow me here and add me as a friend

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RE:Flag a fake

So many fakes here, I see them almost daily.

They are not difficult to recognize, just a quick review of their profile.
Only a day or two as members, profiles are virtually blank, usually with a web link solicitation. Yes quite obvious.
Then there are the other clues, tons of (foolish) friends already.
If they have any media, it's their profile pic. No groups, just friends.

But what if they are needy immigrants, just trying make a buck.
Why not just let them be?

Perhaps they just stepped of the "Biden Open Border Express", as they seem to be from all over the US!
Just dropped off in a random US city and now need to make a living.
Leaving restrictive countries to come to the States so they can exploit capitalism and horny men! Live the American Dream!
Perhaps we need to support them so they are not a burden to society, possibly they are parentless minors, with nothing but a cell phone to earn a living.

Let's not be so quick to judge! They may need our help until they start collecting benefits from the government.

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RE:Flag a fake
New York, New York US
gay straight and Bi escorts around you
message me on 2132637567 and you'll have the best experience

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RE:Flag a fake

Very little is done to remove most of the fakes, because they help to inflate the membership numbers to attract more people to the site.

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