What's your opinion?

What's your opinion on the requirements to join this group? Do you think they are to strict? Not strict enough? Just about right? Would you add anything? Most members of the group feel it helps to keep the group for actual true nudists, as much as possible!

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RE:What's your opinion?

Keep it as it is. We want quality, not quantity here (except for body hair or course).

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RE:What's your opinion?

We think they're fine just as they are.

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RE:What's your opinion?

I think people who join this group should not be shaved. When I was young and saw men with hairy balls and hair around their shaft, I could not wait to grow hair. Than in my mid 20s I thought it was cool to shave( manscape). Now in my mid 50s I just let it grow. When you join a group you should join it because you want to be like others like you.

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RE:What's your opinion?

I think people who join this group should not be shaved. When I was young and saw men with hairy balls and hair around their shaft, I could not wait to grow hair. Than in my mid 20s I thought it was cool to shave( manscape). Now in my mid 50s I just let it grow. When you join a group you should join it because you want to be like others like you.

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