RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

Day 5 - Weather was cooler today, reaching only a high of 67. It was breezy too, and mostly cloudy. Still, I went out for another walk, but only about 2 miles this time, and only with my sandals, but otherwise still naked. Yet despite what little sun I got out here in the AZ desert, and despite the air being cooler and breezy, I didn't feel too cold. I started to wonder if my body was starting to compensate more effectively, allowing the skin the cool but keeping my core warm.

Tomorrow it's supposed to rain here. And so, considering my solar panels won't be able to generate much of any electricity, I decided to change the oil and oil filter in my generator. I'll probably need to run it several hours tomorrow just to keep my battery bank charged. This was the first time I ever changed the oil on my generator in the nude.

Still no sign of anyone else around here. Not that I don't want anyone, or do. It's just desolate out here. I've wondered what I would do if I happened to be outside and some others saw me. Would I quickly cover up? Would i just keep going about my business? My head says that I will just keep going about my business, and not really care. And if they see me, and laugh, then I'll just happily wave Hello to them. But I don't really know what my gut reaction will be until we get to that situation.

I think it's different when you're at a place where people expect to see naked people. I've been to some nude beaches, and I don't feel any bit alarmed when clothed persons saw me naked. But out here, where nudity is not expected?

The photo attached below is of me posing with a very tall Saguaro cactus.

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

The maximum time I've been continuously naked is 12 weeks. Anyone more than that?

Unless you were shipwrecked on some deserted island I bet that took some planning. I can't imagine how weird it must have felt putting on clothes afterwards. Just a week at a nudist resort makes me feel uncomfortable in clothes.

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

The photo attached below is of me posing with a very tall Saguaro cactus.

I like the photo but I afraid if I posed next to that Saguaro I'd get feelings of inadequacy.

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

I like the photo but I afraid if I posed next to that Saguaro I'd get feelings of inadequacy.It was a very proud Saguaro to say the least.

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

Day 6 - So it rained today. And the wind blew pretty good. My trailer was rocking quite a bit for awhile. I didn't really go outside, except to get a good look at the coming storm. Otherwise, it was an inside day.

Temperature dropped quite a bit. The high temp seemed to be about 60F. I had turned on my portable radiant heater around 5:00pm. By then, outside temps had dropped to about 53F.

My portable radiant heater is a Wave Heater. It's the "Wave 6". It's branded as a, "Catalytic Safety Heater". It doesn't heat the air, it only heats objects in front of it. It's only good when it's pointed at you. The advantage of it is that it is extremely efficient. That is, it just sips propane, yet produces a lot of heat, so long as you're in front of it. I have it connected to a 12 foot hose that leads to a 20# tank sitting outside. I drilled a small hole in the wheel well of the trailer to run the hose through. A standard 20# tank can last about 3-4 weeks on the Wave 6, at least in the way I use it, which is about 4-6 hours each night.

I have it sitting on the floor of my trailer about 3 feet away from my desk. I can continue to work on my website stuff (in the nude) even as temperature drops into the 40s inside the trailer.

I also have the Mr. Heater "Buddy", another portable propane heater, but it works a lot differently. It actually heats the air. But I don't have the propane tank connector for it. I have to instead use the 1# canisters, which only seem to last about 4 hours when the heater is running at low.

The trailer also has a 20,000 BTU furnace, which works pretty well at heating the trailer up. However, it's ducted throughout the trailer, which leads to wasted heat. That is, if I'm in the living area, it's still going to heat up the bedroom and bathroom, even if I'm not in those areas. I only use the furnace when both my wife and I are the in the trailer.

My solar panels weren't able to charge the batteries 100% today, though it got close. I have two 360 watt panels on the roof. They were able to generate 1.09Kwh of power, but my solar charge controller didn't go into Float at all. I'll cover more about my solar set up later on.

Photo attached below is when it was raining hardest this afternoon...

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

What a wonderful goal! I wish you the best in getting there. It has been a bit cool, by non-clothing standards, here in AZ so stay warm. The afternoons in the sunshine have been very nice though. Good luck and enjoy your nude month!

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

Day 7 - Well, today ties my previous stretch of days remaining fully nude, 7 days. It was another cold day today, partly sunny, but quite cold outside. High temps here where I am seemed to reach about 58 degrees F. As I write this at 9:20 PM (Arizona time), the thermometer I have outside reads 50F.

I did go outside today, for a couple of times, but briefly. The first time, around 12:00 afternoon, was just to see how cold/warm it was, and it wasn't all that warm. I went outside again around 4:30 pm, just to see how cold it was, considering it was the highest temperature of the day, and it was still chilly. The rains, however, seemed to erase most of the tire tracks my truck and trailer marked into the top soil. All of my shoe and sandal prints are gone.

One thing the rain pointed out to me is that the ramp door in the back of the trailer needs new rubber seals. It seems some water managed to get inside the trailer by leaking past the seal. I'm going have to wait until after my 30 day nude challenge is up before I order some Walmart's website. By that time, I hope to move further east, and somewhere along the way connect up with my wife.

I mentioned my solar panel set up yesterday. What I have on the roof are two 360 watt panels. That's 720 watts total. These are actually monocrystalline residential panels made by Sunpower. They are riveted to the crossbeams of the trailer roof, and then sealed using self-leveling Dicor. I have them running in parallel and connecting to a Victron MPPT 100/50 solar charge controller. From there, they go into two 6 volt golf cart batteries made by Interstate. It's been a good system for me. The panels deliver far more energy than my batteries can store, even during the winter months. But on the other hand, when my wife is here, she tends to use a lot more electricity than I do.

Weather forecast says it's supposed to get warmer the rest of the week.

Otherwise, not much going on today.

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

Good that you have set a new record for longest time nude.
Do you have an easy way of knowing how much of your water, propane and waste storage you have used?

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

Good that you have set a new record for longest time nude.Do you have an easy way of knowing how much of your water, propane and waste storage you have used?As for the water, I just look underneath the trailer to see how much water is left in the tank. Right now, there's still lots. I've used maybe 12 to 15 gallons? As for the propane, that's more difficult to tell. I do have gauges on the tanks, but they seem to only be accurate when the tanks are empty. I have four tanks, one is being used as the main tank, and my guess is there's still 50% left. A second tank is hooked to my radiant heater, and I'm guessing that too is about 50% remaining. I still have two more full tanks. The "waste storage" can be tricky to determine. The blank tank is easier to gauge just by listening to the sound of poop dropping down from the toilet. I can still right now that it's only about 10% full, and it's a 45 gallon tank. The gray is about near impossible to determine, but considering I've only used about 12-15 gallons of fresh water, and I probably drank and cooked about 3 of those gallons, then it's probably about 20% full?

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RE:Shooting For 30 Days Naked

This is a great project: Living 30 days naked in a camper on BLM land. Power to you! Ive been naked as long as eight days at a naturist resort, but your goal and the circumstances make your adventure sound like something out of Edward Abbey.! Hope you hang in there!

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