RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

Sound odd but whenI was younger I worried if someone would recognize me but that does not matter any more and I am open to people about being a nudists

Doesn't sound odd at all. Many of us were more cautious in younger years, as hinted at in the original question.

For myself, I would decline posing for a stranger who requested a pic on a nude beach but
I've probably been in the background of some pics and that's OK now. When I was younger I was more concerned, might check around me to see whether there were cameras being used. .

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

No. When I student-taught at 19, the principal of the small-town school where I was called me in to reprimand me for being seen walking barefoot in the town's central park. "Unbecoming the profession..." I realized that I did not want to live with that sort of scrutiny. And then at 20 I came out as gay, and became involved in the gay liberation movement. Doing so - testifying, public speaking, and so forth - amounted to a complete surrender of privacy, which was a dangerous thing to do for a gay person in 1970. But the movement could not have begun without people willing to take that risk. And once it was done, it was done, and liberating in a way much broader than the sexuality issue. I determined at 20 to try to live one life, uncompartmented, nothing to hide. I try to be sensible about not offending or confronting people and not getting arrested. But beyond that, click away.

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

To be honest, I've absolutely no idea on this one.

When I first started into beach nudity in the 1980's there were very few cameras on the so the question didn't really arise.
These days there are so many phones with good cameras everywhere that I don't think we have any control whatsoever so I don't think it's worth worrying about.

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

At age 65 Im nearly invisible. Even if there was a photo of me nude, dont think people would see me.

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

I have been to nude venues now for almost 30 years and when I was first in a group setting nude I really think I didn't want to be photographed individually fully nude. But I did get in some group pictures kind of in the background. As I have aged I have relaxed that attitude and have had occasion that friends have taken my photos fully nude. I have even taken up acting and on agents profile have checked the box that I would consider nude jobs. I figured who would really want a 69 year old male nude but if a job came along , why not.

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

Thinking back, I don't think I have ever been bothered about people photographing me when I am naked.

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

I don't mind it at all, it is how I live. Would love to be in a Spencer Tunick photo! His art work is so beautiful.

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

If you are in a public place, nude or otherwise, you have no expectation of privacy. If somebody is so desperate for a photo of a naked guy that they would want a picture of me than go ahead. I'm not shy even when I'm naked. But not eveyone feels that way, and people feel differently about being naked. Always ask first or risk a bare knuckle sandwich.

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RE:Have your feelings about being photographed at a nude beach changed over the years?

I dont think my views have changed over time. But they depend on the behaviour of the photographer.
If I am naked in a public place, most commonly a beach for me, then I have no expectation of privacy. So I have no problem with people using phones, cameras etc to record their visits to the beach and me appearing in photos.
However I do have an issue with those obviously taking photos in a more clandestine manner and a suspicion of what they are up to. As a photographer I have always thought it polite to ask an individuals permission if I want to/end up taking photos that are more specifically of them than the overall scene. And pretty much all the photography I do is off clothed people, so the courtesy should be the same whether the subject is clothed or naked.
So take a picture of me naked as part of a wider scene fine. Take a specific picture of me as a subject, fine if you ask. Take sneaky photos of me, not all right.

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