RE:Thinking of trimming

Hairy monkey bumbum is a great name! Well deserved too. lollol thanks but true

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RE:Thinking of trimming

I think we already have a problem in society with men being pressured to present this made up notion of masculinity (toxic masculinity). Trimming shouldn't be equated to "being a bitch." Really?!

To answer the question, I trim for hygienic reasons.

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RE:Thinking of trimming

I view it the same as getting a haircut or trimming my beard...just basic maintenance. Sometimes it shorter, sometimes it's longer.. depends on my mood and the season...and it always grows back.

That's me... whatever I feel like at the time. Sometimes really short to the point of looking like I'm shaved to letting my pubes grow out some. And yes... it grows back!! So try different lengths out and see what you like.

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RE:Thinking of trimming

My first encounter with another nudist was to be told I should trim my bush as it was too messy (see attached photo).
I prefer to remain untrimmed and natural.I personally prefer to see a man with a bush, it just looks so much better than the shaved or trimmed look.

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RE:Thinking of trimming

i did when in my 20s just to much work to keep it up now

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RE:Thinking of trimming

A few thoughts about that. First, I think a man looks MUCH better with most of his natural hair. I know opinions vary greatly, but to me, a completely shaved man looks completely unnatural.

On the other hand, I do like keeping the hair atop my head neatly trimmed and my facial hair (usually) shaved off or quite short. (I know big bushy beards are in fashion this days so that's fine of course... but a neat beard, slightly stubbly, or clean shaven is just a personal preference). So I can easily see how you could say that good grooming can also extend to your pubes, butt hair, even leg, arm, and chest hair. In my book that just means keeping it neat, but still natural looking.

Third, as a purely practical matter, I find that shorter (not necessarily completely shaved) hair in the butt crack makes personal hygiene a bit easier.

And I guess you might call one final consideration vanity. Since my penis is on the smaller size of average, I don't like for my pubic hair to get so long that it makes the penis nearly invisible. At that point, hair becomes almost like clothing, and I do enjoy the look and feel of being exposed. So I like to keep the pubes trimmed enough that my penis is clearly visible (and so that it doesn't look even smaller than it is, lol). From what I can see though, that particular issue shouldn't be a problem for you.

BTW, I tried to attach an image to illustrate my point, but I can't seem to do so. Shouldn't clicking on the "image" icon (second from last at the top of the "Post" window) allow you to browse for an image? I see a text box with the label "Image source," but there's no option to browse for the image. Anybody?

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RE:Thinking of trimming

I shaved from my neck to my toes twice.... The feel after was great. However..... I just didn't look good hairless. I learned that body is nature's makeup. It covers up blemishes and makes a less than stellar physique look better than it really is. The other lesson.... To keep it smooth was a huge pain in the ass.

I prefer a man with body hair. But these days, I'm in the minority on that score.

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RE:Thinking of trimming

no man dnt natural is best

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RE:Thinking of trimming

Looks pretty damn good just as nature intended. Wish I had that much fur.

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RE:Thinking of trimming

Shaving your balls makes your cock look better, I think. But keep the rest of your pubes; that makes you look hot.

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