Dallas Korean Spas

Were fortunate to have two great Korean spas here in Dallas. King Spa is in West Dallas, Spa Castle (my favorite) is located in Carrollton.

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RE:Dallas Korean Spas

I have been to King Spa...I liked it. Hope to the other one soon.

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RE:Dallas Korean Spas

Korean spas are the best! Unfortunately, we don't have any here in Australia but I always make a habit of dropping in to South Korea whenever I'm up in Asia. It's heaven on earth!

We have two in Melbourne, one in Collingwood and one in the cbd.

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RE:Dallas Korean Spas

never been ? hoping its nude, only in certain areas? is it open and fun or more people watching your every move

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RE:Dallas Korean Spas

never been ? hoping its nude, only in certain areas? is it open and fun or more people watching your every move

Both Kings spa and Spa Castle have wet areas that are the only areas that are required to be nude. They are gender separated. Kings spa is more based on the original spas in Asia, has three different temperate spas, a cold pool and wet sauna and dry sauna. The co-ed area has several different types of saunas that you wear uniform you are given. They also have a water 'park' with different yet pools, lazy river and it's enclosed. You can find out more information on their web site. Spa Castle is newer and has a larger wet area with 4 spas of different temperatures, two yet pools and one larger center yet pool and a cold pool. They also have larger saunas, wet and dry. Their co-ed area also has saunas are different then Kings spas in the set up but are close the same as Kings spa though Kings spa has more. They also require you to wear a uniform they provide you with. The also have an outside pools and yet pools though it's not enclosed like Kings spa is smaller in size. If you google spa castle texas, you'll find more information on their web site.

Both are nice just depends why your are going to the spas for and what reason you what to be there and be seen. There is all types of individuals there and you will know what they are there for after a short while. Just like on here, what they say and do gives you a good idea of their intensions. I've never had issues with staff members, both places they are friendly and make a good effort to keep the place clean as some won't clean up after themselves and leave towels and things laying around. Regarding been watched, at both places over the years I've heard and once witness individuals been requested to leave for 'inappropriate' activities and it's posted that they will remove you and even call the authorities. It has been in the news over the years that the police departments have done sting operations and have caught individuals, one was a council member of a local town.

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