Driving with the girls out

Well I did it. I took the girls out on the way home the other day. It was a little nerve wracking and I wasn't able to take my entire top off. Why you ask? Let me give you a little back story.
There is only really 1 road out here. There is another one not as heavily traveled at the time I was heading home but it isn't that long and I still needed to get back out on the main road to get to my neighborhood. Well as I was getting my top ready to come off a cop pulled out behind me and was there for 5 of the 7 miles of road. After he turned off I quickly pulled the girls out and drove I would say 4 miles before I had to turn onto the main road to get to my neighborhood. The side road I was able to keep them out until I got to the point where I knew that kids would be outside playing and since the speed limit is only 20 miles on the side road i didn't want to chance it.
Oh just as I was pulling them back in my top a cop passed me and waved What good timing

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RE:Driving with the girls out

Good morning, thank you for sharing your experience with us. That's really a funny story with the police being in your proximity just as you were planning on getting topless. Please keep sharing your stories, we love them.

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RE:Driving with the girls out

I don't know what is legal down there in Fla, but have you thought about getting the windows tinted dark enough that they can't see in? You could drive all you want with the girls out or nude.

Well that won't work if the air doesn't work in the car. we don't have a legality on the tint. but I don't want extra dark windows anyway. I am fine not being naked all the time. just something nice to do once in a while with the driving.

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RE:Driving with the girls out

I think it is best to have the window cracked or open when driving nude. The wind and sun is that best part about the experience. But maybe that is just me.

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RE:Driving with the girls out

Nice Lol that sounded like some fun..

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RE:Driving with the girls out

Feels so natural and free.. especially on a nice sunny warm day.

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