Nude hunting season has started!

Thus morning hunting season started so since it is warm I am doing it nude. Drove nude to my hunting land, walked to the tree stand nude and am now enjoying my coffee and watching the sun come up. The daring will be gett

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RE:Nude hunting season has started!

What game are you hunting?

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RE:Nude hunting season has started!

An early 3 day archery deer hunt, bucks only. Is an opportunity to bag a buck in velvet.

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RE:Nude hunting season has started!

Have you bagged one yet?

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RE:Nude hunting season has started!

I am impressed! You must not be from the deep south. I have been in the woods this time of year and I can attest to the fact; the deer flies and horse flies will have you for a SNACK, especially with no clothes on!!!!

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RE:Nude hunting season has started!

I am impressed! You must not be from the deep south. I have been in the woods this time of year and I can attest to the fact; the deer flies and horse flies will have you for a SNACK, especially with no clothes on!!!!

Don't forget about the skeeters, if you do, they WILL remind you that they are out there, too.

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