Home brewing and nudism

Hey I was just wondering how many naked homebrewers are in this group. I love to home brew! I love being naked! So why not do both. The best thing about home brewing besides that your making beer is just how relaxing it is. Kinda like being naked. And with beers and people they both come in all kinds of different styles, colors , taste etc. So my point is that the way I see it there are a lot of similarities between the two. Just this naked guys opinion. Let me hear your thoughts. Stay naked my friends.

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RE:Home brewing and nudism

We have been brewing our own beer for the past two years. Mostly IPA's but we have been branching out lately as we improve our equipment. I found a pretty inactive group here "Beer Brewing, Wine Making, Spir" that I have been trying to revive. Check it out. Jim

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RE:Home brewing and nudism

That is some pretty cool equipment. I have a small batch maker that my sister got me for Christmas but I have not used it yet; don't know what I'm doing. When I figure it out I'm sure it'll be a nude brew. :-)

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RE:Home brewing and nudism

Homebrewer here. Currently an IPL (India Pale Lager) is almost ready to go into secondary. I love the hobby.

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RE:Home brewing and nudism

I've been brewing off and on for 8yrs. I brew 10 gallon at a time. Brewing naked is all ways a bonus. I've had some success and some big blunders. It kills me to pour out 10 gallons. But real nice to have people really enjoy your beer. I'd be happy to help any one with their brewing problems if I can.

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