Please explain Chat"

Please explain Chat"

Now, if I understand this correctly; the first thing you do is take off all of your clothes. Next you turn on your computer or do you turn on the computer and then remove all of your clothing. I don't know, for I have a cheap computer which dose not care if i'm dressed or not.
Then I imagine that you lay out the mandatory towel to protect the chair from things that should not be deposited there. It also protects your butt from the chair which is probably ice cold from your air conditioning. You briefly consider wrapping up in a blanket then dismiss the thought. After all this is a nudist chat room. Besides, no one who sees you on camera will notice that you are shivering or that your lips are turning blue.
Next, the camera must be adjusted, just right and you begin typing a message to someone who you have never met and in all probability, never will.
How are you
How is the weather, there. This to a location 2000 miles from where you live, A place to which you have never been, never heard of and never intend to visit. In fact, not being a geography student, you probably could not find it on map.
That's good
At this point The Official Chat Room Moderator, also naked, of course, which must be very painful when they pin on The Official Chat Room Moderator badge breaks in to inform you that you have been banned from Chat. Either he or she felt that your conversation had sexual overtones or your camera had shifted to reveal parts of your naked body which should never be seen on a nudist site.
By now, you can tell that I really don't understand Chat. If you can help me out here, I may ask you to explain why so many use the Nudist Forum to play word games.

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RE:Please explain Chat"

I play word games because the chat room bores me.

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RE:Please explain Chat"

I play word games because the chat room bores me.

Is it necessary to completely undress in order to play the word games?

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RE:Please explain Chat"

I play word games because the chat room bores me.Is it necessary to completely undress in order to play the word games?

No. You can keep your socks on.

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RE:Please explain Chat"

I play word games because the chat room bores me."Is it necessary to completely undress in order to play the word games?"No. You can keep your socks on.

That's good. Otherwise, it might be considered weird.

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RE:Please explain Chat"

And it is necessary to have your wits about you

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