RE:Dressing after a long time nude

Yes, feels constraining when the clothes have to go back on even if I have been nude for only a short time. Hate the first few minutes til I get use to the clothes. On holidays in a remote little cabin this week and been nude at all times indoors and out, excepts to go run errands into town a couple of times and to go on a hike. Well almost, after about 25 minutes of hiking, we found a small deserted beach, so off came the shoes and shorts (that is all I was wearing). Since we hadn't encountered any one on the trail on the way in, just started to hike back nude - with some eyerolling from my wife!! Hiking nude is the best feeling ever.

How does your wife feel in general about you being nude?

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

When we first moved in together many many moons ago, she was not too thrilled about my constant nudity. So I cut down my naked time and just lengthened it slowly mornings after showering. I told her that being nude was a question of comfort for me and now doesn't care and doesn't even notice. The other day, she told me "so and so is coming over, put some pants on", I told her to have a second look as I was dressed!!!

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

It's even worse when it's 8 days. During our 2017 trip to Club Orient, the only time I had anything on was when we walked down the beach, and then it was just a short wrap.

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

At the end of my fortnight naked 24/7 at Euronat this year I was tempted to dress on the last morning because of the inclement weather but stuck it out until I achieved my target of a couple of hours over the 14 days but when it came time to dress for the drive to the Gironde ferry the weather cleared and I was then extremely reluctant to don the clothing waiting for me on the car seat.

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

I am going nude camping for the weekend. I do not know how I will want to put clothes back on. I can not wait to get going !

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

I am going nude camping for the weekend. I do not know how I will want to put clothes back on. I can not wait to get going !

Are you planning on bringing any clothes beside what you will be wearing to get there?

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

Not constrained or uncomfortable, just sad...

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

Yes, very hard to get dressed again after being natural and comfortable.

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

I've been naked at a resort for 3 days. Very hard to put clothes back on when leaving & can't wait to get inside room at condo to get naked again ASAP.

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RE:Dressing after a long time nude

yes it is when left our resort after 4 days of naked, pickup needed gas, left the resort naked really did not want to clothes on to put gas in ! but did

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