RE:Jock straps

I'm going out on a limb here and I'm bound to get some grief, but did a homosexual design the first jock strap? It seems to grab one's attention the way the garbed man's cheeks are exposed - no - really framed by the fabric. I'm rather straight in my orientation - and here I'm talking about sexuality, please, not the demeanor of my dong - so my eyeballs don't tend to linger on men's tushes.I do need to admit a certain love for wearing a thong under any damned garment when I'm forced to be dressed, so maybe you can forgive my intrusion into this topic a little. I really love the way my stuff is pulled up, how the shape of the fabric tends to accent my bulge when there's a thong underneath, not to mention the pleasing way the fabric feels between the back parts. That second point is fully lost with a jockstrap since the typical design roams around the outside of the cheeks instead of meandering in the midst of them. It took me some time to come to that conclusion, and I am sure most men wouldn't put up with a thong, finding that small bit of cloth rubbing there to be quite annoying.I'm surprise no one has replied to your comments so here it goes....It's ironic you think that a jockstrap's design is perhaps gay looking, framing the ass cheeks, and yet you like wearing thongs... underwear that goes in your crack, rubbing your man-hole with every step and motion and how "pleasing it feels"!! How "gay" is that?? .... your thoughts/words not mine!How else is a jockstrap supposed to lift and cradle your cock and balls if it doesn't go up your ass? You are correct... the huge huge huge majority of men do not like anything touching their anus, not even a lot of gay guys!! So... the jockstrap straps go around the butt cheeks, framing the ass! Yes it frames the ass and I think that looks great! I doubt that was the primary reason (to frame the ass) but probably to avoid constantly rubbing the anus.

I needed a few days to fully reconnoiter this response to my offering before adding more thoughts, though it seems there is rising tension in this thread on various parts of the subject. Writing about specialty undergarments has taken on a new life here, bringing in such divergent side topics as sex toys to thoughtful bike makers and all the way to dangerous hockey pucks, my my! Aren't we having fun now! Somehow we have gotten waylaid during our clothes-related discussion on this website devoted to no clothes. I will attempt a gentle push back toward pleasure and away from antagonism once I get a thought or so across.

Your response's final point is I'm sure correct, with sound jock strap design bringing the straps around the buttocks to avoid chafing the rectal areas. It makes the most sense.

My question about who designed the first jock strap was meant to be rhetorical, my possibly misguided attempt to re-focus this thread toward the somewhat comical way the view of a man's butt is enhanced by the design. My words were not "gay looking", just that the design was ass-augmenting. My preference for the way a thong feels against me is personal, and I made it clear in my original post that many men would avoid ever seeking that sensation. I was quite purposeful to not draw any distinction between what a gay or straight person may think of the feeling. A contradiction needs to be noted - with the inference that my enjoyment of the confidence and pleasure I experience while wearing a thong somehow predicts that I've got underlying homosexual tendencies, followed closely by the idea that a "huge huge huge majority" of men don't like anything touching their anal region, including many gay men. I question where the statistics for this last point originate. "How gay is that?" That strikes me as an unscientific extrapolation.

How our enjoyment is achieved is only for me and my lover to decide, as it should be for everyone. Anal stimulation of any sort is not looked upon as pleasurable to many, though it does make me wonder how many of us keep their interest in such activities to themselves due to the attached stigma. Even inside the gay community there is an undercurrent of denial when it comes to pleasure gotten from any stimulation "back there". When it comes to science, there is only one place in the male human physique with more nerve endings per square inch than the parts past the testicles - the penis. It benefits no one to ignore what might otherwise bring pleasure due to marginal lessons taught to us when we were young. "That's dirty, don't touch it!" A better lesson for an adult is to clean what's dirty, and stop thinking everything you learned in kindergarten is all you'll ever need to know.

To try to recapture to some humor we've moved away from in this thread, let me end with this: If the bike maker who designed the first jock strap was gay, I think he would have done it with the cloth riding right up the middle instead of around the cheeks. That way, with all the constant attention the perineum and anus got from the fabric against it, the rider would be in a constant state of semi-arousal. And the cup design would have had to be re-designed to accept all that manliness as well! Now watch those pucks!

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RE:Jock straps

When I feel the need I wear boxer shorts.You can go anywhere in public in boxer shorts, T-shirt and flip flops.Jock straps are not comfortable to me.

I wear gym shorts instead of boxers.
Just as comfortable, even more acceptable, and not designed to be underwear.
I only wear a shirt where it is required in warm weather. There are many places, especially outdoors where a male can go without one.

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RE:Jock straps

The movie was Slap Shot. During a hockey fight scene, one of the players stripped down while skating.

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RE:Jock straps

I love my bikini briefs the bests. Would rather be nude,

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RE:Jock straps

i had to think back and laugh about the jock strap being required for pe class in junior and senior high ,i grew up in south florida the list for pe class - white t shirt , blue gym shorts, jock strap , white socks and sneakers back than i don't remember them called tennis shoes . south florida winter is january & february and that's not always true so beat the heat it didn't take long to forgo the jock strap and only wear t shirt , shorts and sneakers and kickball and football you wanted to be on the skins team.

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RE:Jock straps

I have recently discovered how comfortable jock straps are for wearing around the house. The straps along the hips feel good and appreciate the gentle support they give. Also feels like you are going commando under my pants.Wondering if others feel the same way and what brand do you like the most? I like a wide waistband and nice straps.

I found it disappointing that this thread devolved into an opinionated shaming of jockstraps as a garment unworthy of use, let alone attention, by nudists for one, and men in general.
Years ago, in the mid 80's when I asked a rather sexually "experienced" gay friend where I could find an old school jockstrap, he dick-shamed me in front of a third, saying "Why?? It's not like you have anything to need one!" as they both snickered.
Humiliated as I was, I never lost my "thing" for jockstraps. But because of that gross incident of faggotry, I never felt like I either looked good in one or had a big enough package to "adequately" fill one out. Only recently (much like the dude who posted this discussion, briefone2), a TN friend over a skype call encouraged me to put mine on and told me how awesome I looked in it and how proud I ought to be wearing it, especially at the gym. For the first time I was able to finally get all that bullshit out of my head and experience for myself how incredible it feels to wear a jockstrap.
Feeling the way the straps pull everything together right under my nuts, while at the same time everything behind from my taint to my hole to my ass cheeks is completely open and free, was like a revelation of MANLINESS and MASCULINITY I had never experienced before.
Walking around the locker room in front of the other men of my local community rec center, in nothing but my jock, going from my locker to the urinals to take a piss, standing at the sink to rinse my hands, back to my locker to change into my gym clothes, all had a surprising effect on not only myself, but a few of the other gentleman there as well. At least two of them OVERTLY repositioned themselves so as to offer me an unobstructed view while they displayed their naked bodies to me as they changed clothes and/or wiped off from the shower.
This, along with my workout on the gym floor, always aware of that bunching up under my nuts and my hole free to the breeze (under mys shorts, of course) altogether had the effect of me feeling just, what can I say(?) ALL MAN! I intuitively understood why, for up to nearly a century, men and boys have been wearing jockstraps, most notably with and around each other. It's called MAN POWER, brothers!
Before anyone goes there, yes I agree, doing the same thing completely nude (at least in the locker room) would have an even more profound effect on liberating the locker room culture from its more recent homophobic nudity shaming. That's why I do BOTH as much as possible, where I make sure to respect the nature of my nudity AND the culture of nudism, without doing anything that might be construed as sexually provocative, especially in the steam room.
Rather than hear more of you negatively opine about why you "DON'T LIKE JOCKSTRAPS", I and especially briefone2 would like to hear more about what you DO LOVE about them.

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RE:Jock straps

what brand do you wear in the picture there, looks conmfortable.

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RE:Jock straps

what brand do you wear in the picture there, looks conmfortable.

GYM Old School 2.0

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RE:Jock straps

what brand do you wear in the picture there, looks conmfortable.GYM Old School 2.0

Looks fantastic I wear one almost daily with boxers. I have naturally very low hanging balls that hang even lower with several big gauge piercings Without a thin nylon jock I sometimes sit on my balls. Ouch!

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RE:Jock straps

the BIKE brand has been re-launched, and they are bringing back the classics, like the iconic #10 jock. Check it out.

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