RE:Jock straps

Love wearing one for daily wear as well as sometimes at a clothing optional location. Because my balls hang so low especially with all my heavy piercing rings it keeps me from sitting on them.

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RE:Jock straps

Containment.I can understand that cups offer protection for the penis, but only see one purpose for jock straps: containment. It's a good institutional problem to the conundrum of big penises and short shorts which had to be addressed across the board. Since school uniforms no longer present that risk, the jock straps have become obsolescent outside of personal comfort.Other than in really rough sports where a cup is necessary to actually provide protection, containment has to be the reason.

In PE, our shorts were very short and baggy. Standing up presented no issue, but sitting down -- particularly on the ground or floor -- would have exposed a lot of cocks and balls.

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RE:Jock straps

Man, am I ever feeling the irony right now, discussing my man panty choices on a nudist website, ha ha!To begin, I have hoarding issues I'm fighting and I'm convinced I will continue to squabble with all my life. My lovergirl helps me a lot, and when I moved in with her, the attitude she has helped me to live now by is all about "less is more". Easier said than done but I'm trying hard to chuck things more now.Underwear is one of the things I've had a harder time breaking away from since the beginning of my overall disrobing when coming to the choice to live permanently at our wonderful nude resort. It was easy to lose the mundane undees from my past, but when it comes to the more stylish pairs which I've spent more money on, those seem to have gotten deeper into my psyche than those old-fashioned briefs. All my life I had those foolish white things on my bottom parts under my jeans, so once I was out on my own and had a little money I began buying colored men's panties - just a few pair here and there, until my thirties when I really got into it and found myself wearing the old 'whities' almost never.Once I tried on my first thong (early forties I think) I was intrigued, and came to feel as though they were my little secret under my clothes, giving me some renewed confidence on the outside because of my sexy secret no one could see. I liked the way I looked in them in the mirror and how I felt in them, and how they cupped my cock and balls and accented my personal package. While giving tours at work, I would sometimes catch a woman glancing downstairs, and even taking a second look at my crotch(!) when I was wearing a thong. That rare occasion did make for some stammered-through spots in my tour mind you, but what harm is there in a little offsetting of pertinent information with a joke or useless statistic as I clamored to regain my composure after noticing a woman staring at my bulge? It got to the point where on days I was giving the tours I would never wear anything but a thong, and I collected a ton of those package-thrusting forward things. In time, all of my other underthings eventually got pushed to the back of the sock/undee drawer.Nowadays, on special occasions or in certain circumstances, I still do rely on my old underwear, like if I'm going to a funeral or it is laundry day - a day much more rare now since I spend so little time in the clothing. As the months turn into years here at the nude resort, I imagine I will pair down that ridiculously large collection as the cloth ages and becomes threadbare. As to style, I'm tempted to take a picture of my collection, but for fuck's sake, I adore a little irony as much as the next person, but showing pictures of my underwear seems absolutely ludicrous right now. That said, I will if anyone really wants me to.Stylish to me means colors or prints or alternative design. On the outside of my body, when I'm out in what we nudists often call the 'fake world' where everyone is covering up their true selves, I'm in shorts or jeans and button down or t- shirts, you know, pretty much the same bullshit I've been wearing since before I grew pubic hair. There's not a lot to do there, stylistically. I'm boring on the outside. But underneath you will find me colorful or joyously frilly and silly, comical and playful, with string bikinis of every color and cut, some more shameless than others, some downright dumb. The string style underwear were my go-to for a long time before I found the thong shelf in the men's underwear section of my local Kmart. I do miss that store sometimes. By then I had dozens of pairs of string things to collect my twig&berries into, mostly black and red and blue and green and innocent white, some patterns as well. Most everything string was from Walmart and Kmart and mostly from a company called "Life", five or six pairs to a package for $8-$10. Then came the not-so-slow march toward the thong life, and the colored ones stayed pretty much the same colors, but often included in the package of four was a zesty print pattern and those did intrigue me even more. Everything from zebra and snakeskin patterns to barbed wire, camouflage, flames, stripes...most everything like that is from Joe Boxer in my thong collection but there are a few aberrant Jockeys. Almost everything is all cotton except for a few microfiber pairs and even some bamboo fiber ones I stole from my honeybunny. But I'm a cotton man for at heart.Okay, I had to do it - I took a picture of most of my panties laid out on the bed and will attach it to this post. No one asked but I'm a showoff deep down and there you have it. I don't plan to buy any more pairs, ever. As you can plainly see, I have enough to last a lifetime with our life in the nudist world. It makes me smile to think I may be wearing some of these into my nineties if I'm lucky enough to live so long and the elastic holds out!And on a personal note - Minimalist, I understand how that tickling feeling on your netherparts can be annoying when the fabric is moving against you as you walk around. If you can suspend or ignore your uncomfortableness in that regard for a few minutes, you may begin to understand the underlying feeling of power and confidence wearing a thong brings me. It is certainly not for everyone. As for me, if I'm feeling extra-antsy for the action, I'll pick out a pair which has the thinnest bit of cloth between the cheeks to feel even more confidence. No one knows except me, myself and I yaye yaye!

I wore thongs for several hours on a few occasions and they never felt comfortable.
I feel power and confidence knowing that there is nothing between my main clothing layer and my skin. To each his own!

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RE:Jock straps

OP said - I have recently discovered how comfortable jock straps are for wearing around the house. The straps along the hips feel good and appreciate the gentle support they give. Also feels like you are going commando under my pants.Wondering if others feel the same way and what brand do you like the most? I like a wide waistband and nice straps.

Honestly I dont get it "true nudists" talking about wearing jock straps around the house. WTH if your are a nudist why not be nude in your house unless all the talk of things and jock straps has nothing to do with nudism

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RE:Jock straps

I own about a dozen jocks, different brands and materials. Some are the old school Bike type jock, and I find them all comfortable.
I tend to work outside, so if the temperature is 50 or higher, I find the jock preferable in keeping cool and dry over other types of underwear. Commando is not always possible at work.

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RE:Jock straps

I'm going out on a limb here and I'm bound to get some grief, but did a homosexual design the first jock strap? It seems to grab one's attention the way the garbed man's cheeks are exposed - no - really framed by the fabric. I'm rather straight in my orientation - and here I'm talking about sexuality, please, not the demeanor of my dong - so my eyeballs don't tend to linger on men's tushes.I do need to admit a certain love for wearing a thong under any damned garment when I'm forced to be dressed, so maybe you can forgive my intrusion into this topic a little. I really love the way my stuff is pulled up, how the shape of the fabric tends to accent my bulge when there's a thong underneath, not to mention the pleasing way the fabric feels between the back parts. That second point is fully lost with a jockstrap since the typical design roams around the outside of the cheeks instead of meandering in the midst of them. It took me some time to come to that conclusion, and I am sure most men wouldn't put up with a thong, finding that small bit of cloth rubbing there to be quite annoying.

I'm surprise no one has replied to your comments so here it goes....

It's ironic you think that a jockstrap's design is perhaps gay looking, framing the ass cheeks, and yet you like wearing thongs... underwear that goes in your crack, rubbing your man-hole with every step and motion and how "pleasing it feels"!! How "gay" is that?? .... your thoughts/words not mine!

How else is a jockstrap supposed to lift and cradle your cock and balls if it doesn't go up your ass? You are correct... the huge huge huge majority of men do not like anything touching their anus, not even a lot of gay guys!! So... the jockstrap straps go around the butt cheeks, framing the ass! Yes it frames the ass and I think that looks great! I doubt that was the primary reason (to frame the ass) but probably to avoid constantly rubbing the anus.

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RE:Jock straps

I was introduced to the jock strap and a cup when I was 10 and playing PAL (Police Athletic League) football. It was during a game. I was on defense and had the angle on the running back coming out of the backfield. Just when I was going in for the tackle, some kid put his helmet right into my penis. He chop blocked me from my blind side. I limped off the field in pain like I never felt before. That is when coach told me that I was supposed to have a Jock Strap and a Cup. When I got home, I saw that I had a skin burn from my shaft to the head. It was painful for a few days after.

I was raised by a single mom. I was lucky to be playing football let alone know what equipment a boy needed to protect himself in places we never talked about. Anyway, she took me to the sporting goods store and bought me the equipment I needed and I used it through my high school playing days. I cant remember how long ago it was that I got rid of it but I did have it long after I got married. It was in my underwear drawer. The elastic had gone bad so I finally tossed it.

I have word G Strings/ Thongs on several occasions. My wife has bought me some over the years. I would say that wearing them is like nudity. It is a bit uncomfortable at first but the longer you wear them, you forget that you are wearing them.

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RE:Jock straps

When it raining I like to wear a jacket with a hood.

Nothing to do with being a naturist, but neither is wearing a jock strap.

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RE:Jock straps

Wearing the jock strap within ones home may be just for as simple a reason as containment. As much as I like to be nude, I don't like the feeling of my scrotum sticking to my leg. The jock, a thong, or bikini takes care of that. However, I am not as confirmed a nudist as many of you and don't feel the need to live clothes free every minute that might be available to me. When the scrotum sticks, I either put up with it or put some clothes on.

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RE:Jock straps

Jock Straps were invented in 1874 for Bicycle Jockeys -- curriers.I'm going out on a limb here and I'm bound to get some grief, but did a homosexual design the first jock strap?They were designed to be the lightest most minimal undergarment possible so as not to add any more weight than necessary. The original manufacturer was the Bike Company.

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