In Memory of those who have died fro our Freedoms.

In the United States of America people celebrate a holiday every last Monday in May. The holiday is called Memorial Day. This holiday is to remember the soldiers who fought and/or died in war. It is believed in our country that these soldier's sacrifice is what helps preserve the liberty and rights of the American People. In memory of these brave soldiers, I wish to share this video.

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RE:In Memory of those who have died fro our Freedoms.

I am ex Navy. And I question the propaganda that says every veteran of every conflict somehow fought for my freedom by invading countries that were not attacking my freedom. I am thankful for the soldiers of our Revolution, and those of the War of 1812, and the Union troops in the Civil War. These, I can see fought to win and preserve American freedom. But most other conflicts, we could debate about it.

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RE:In Memory of those who have died fro our Freedoms.


I run 3 Nudist MEETUP Groups, and co-run 3 more. All are based in Southern New Hampshire. My Biggest Group is the most-general, being for Gay & Bi Nudist Men (only). The others all have specific target groups or purposes. My Biggest Group is the 3rd Largest Nudist MEETUP Group in New England. Took me about 18 months to build it up to that level.

Last year, I decided to stay home, rather than go way, for Memorial Day Weekend. I had a modest Men-Only Nude party for my Biggest Group, in celebration of Memorial Day. I actually had 2 parties.

This year, because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, was totally different. I had to go Virtual. I hosted a small group, of about 6, in a Virtual video-conference type meetup. The tool I used supports what I call "Rich Chat". It's not just Text Chat, but also pictures, videos, and links. Since I live just 60 miles from Boston, MA, I chose to upload a pic of the 2019 Memorial Day display of American flags on the Boston Common. It has become an Annual tradition to put an American flag on the Common for every Massachusetts Military member who died in American war, starting with the American Revolution. The total is somewhere over 37,000. So, last year there were over 37,000 flags planted together on the Boston Common.

This year was quite different, because it would have been impossible to "Social-distance" while laying out 35,000+ flags. Remember, that Boston the The Epicenter of New England for COVID-19. People still wanted to do something, So, in the Dark of the Night before Memorial Day, a small group of volunteers laid rows, 6 feet apart, then laid out 1,000 flags, 6 feet apart.

I have spliced together 2 pics comparing Boston Common Memorial Day 2019 vs. 2020. It is posted here. (below)

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