PA 00g
The guidance is to upgrade slowly and allow it to heal between each upgrade. I've had my PA for between 2 and 3 years and have reached 7mm or gauge 2. Early upgrades were fairly easy but, with the larger ones, I now have to wait 6 months between each 1mm upgrade. So I hope to get to 0 gauge (8 mm) in February.
I doubt it has anything to do with whether I freeball (which I do). The most comfortable arrangement is being naked and freeballing is the next best thing. I have a friend who succeeded in upgrading more quickly but it started to migrate out (that is the bit between the PA piercing and the tip of his penis got smaller)
Ive had my PA for about 17 years now. I started at an 8g and am now at 7/16, or 000g. I could not be happier, but cant stress enough that you have to take it slowly! Do not rush in trying to upsize, and you may have to take a step back, give it a day or two, then go back to the bigger size.
No issues with pain, or ED, just a great feeling of the weight tugging. Go for it, but go slow.
I've had my PA since April 2017 (a bit over 3 years) . I have stretched it slowly, roughly 1mm every 6 months. Now it is at 10mm (between 00 and 000 gauge), with the last upgrade a bit over a week ago. There is some pain for a few days after each upgrade. And there is no problem with ED beyond that which was previously brought on by age and too much beer. If anything the PA adds extra stimulation.