Where is your favorite place to be nude?

Where do you feel most comfortable being nude, Home,club, beach, other??

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

I guess I have to answer your question with a question "Does it really matter" ? Of course our favorite place is right here, in the house, the pool, the hot tub the screened room or just outside in the private area. We have been to other folks homes and enjoyed being nude, the beach or the club or resort, to us just having good nudist friends around means a lot, and after two years here in ALabama, we have found this is not the place for it. spend two years looking nude friends and about to give up.
But the best place to be NUDE is with good friends, good company and good times, not any fun being nude all by yourself, house parties are always fun and we have had some nice ones in the past, miss having the people to come together for one. Just my 2 cents worth!

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

At home, the beach, the resorts,the water, anyplace outside, of course within the right places, and at anytime when the wether is right.

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

Mine is going to have to be home for the time anyway, till I can find my way around my new area

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

Since I've been a nudist for over 42 of my 61 years, I've lots of favorite places including my club, Travelites that I founded in 1987 plus Serendipity in Cleveland, GA or Cypress Cove, Kissimmee, FL.
My most favorite are the times when Travelites members get together wherever it is.

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

I enjoy being nude almost anywhere especially in a social setting. Two of my favorite places are Cypress Cove and Serendipity resorts.

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

The Beach but happy to be nude anywhere else as well

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

my favorite place is the beach to but since it is a distance to go i enjoy going out the back door at home, hiking or kayaking.

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

Wherever and whenever possible, usually at home but have also enjoyed going to nude beaches a few times.

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

To paraphrase someone, wherever there are two or more nudists, that's where I'm most comfortable.

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RE: Where is your favorite place to be nude?

My favorite place is the nude beach nearby but my gf doesn't like going there anymore so my visits have decreased dramatically. So my next best choice is the pool where I can float around naked under the sun.

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