Hiking Route Recording App
Can anybody recommend a cheap or free app on iphone and android that will record your route as you hike and later allow that route to be shared with friends? The recommended ones seem to be $30 a year. Which will put most casual naturist hikers off. I am going to try MapMyHike on my next hike and see what features you get for free. Anybody tried it?
Hi David!
Here in the States we have an app called Map My Walk - probably the same as the Map My Hike you mention. It's free, logs your route and time, figures averages for you (m/kmpr), and lets you share with other friends who are using the app, or social media like Facebook. I used to use it all the time until I started working too many hours to get out and walk.
I use Strava to record running routes as it links to my GPS watch. Easy to use and friends can view your routes. Previously I used mapmyrun as mentioned in the comments above which worked directly from my mobile and was a good app. Would love to know if there is a record of nice secluded hikes in the UK out there though... Would love to get out walking naked!