Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

Hello, I'm new here. I've only recent been embracing the nudist lifestyle. Mostly on my private property, but I've been to a couple beaches and one resort. I'm single and I'm curious how to go about meeting other single nudist women. I'm also shy by nature, and that makes approaching women when nude even more challenging, as I'm not great at it with clothes on. lol What are some pointers on where to meet single female nudists, how to approach them, and how do you approach nudism topics, if you're not sure?

Thanks in advance!

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

Single female naturists are very rare, and single male naturists are not.

Better to try and find a partner in the textile world and convert them to naturism.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

Wife Bunny here. Women DO NOT go to nudist venues to meet men. They go to relax, and chill WITHOUT the pressures of the dating dance. Best way to approach? Say hi, and move along. Honestly the best way I've known to make nudist friends, and that includes singles of both genders, are NON-landed nudist clubs. Just never go expecting to meet someone.

Well said.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

I'd also say that single female nudists are probably not in big numbers.
My wife and I have visited a few nudist resorts and have to say that we both find it easier to approach a complete stranger and strike up a conversation at a nudist venue than outside of the nudist community.
I think nudists have nothing to hide (which is convenient given they have nowhere to hide something) and you get to meet the real person one on one - at an equal level.
With no fancy clothes cars or jewellery everyone becomes on the same level and it just becomes one naked human talking to another naked human.

If you are searching for a nudist female you might check out some clubs / resorts but you might be better to find someone with another (non nudism) shared interest and then see if nudism is something you can share and enjoy.
You might find someone (non nudist) and then find that gentle steps will take you to social nudity if that's what you are looking for.
Small steps.
Naked in the bedroom.
Naked in the house.
Naked in the back yard.
Naked at the beach.

Then - take a breath - tackle a resort.
Just don't push the issue - you have to move at her pace.

That's the path we took and I'm so glad we did.
I love the fact that my wife and I share and enjoy social nudity so I understand why this might be important to you.

I hope this works out for you.

Best wishes.

Bazil & Lee.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

Wife Bunny here. Women DO NOT go to nudist venues to meet men. They go to relax, and chill WITHOUT the pressures of the dating dance. Best way to approach? Say hi, and move along. Honestly the best way I've known to make nudist friends, and that includes singles of both genders, are NON-landed nudist clubs. Just never go expecting to meet someone.

Thank you for that advise.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

Better to try and find a partner in the textile world and convert them to naturism.

The biggest advantage with this is there is a fare chance she lives fairly close to where you live (unless you meet at work where she could live quite a way from you) but the problem is when to let on you are a nudist, as a few years ago I knew a girl and one day I said I am nude in the garden and she went "I don't want to know that" but we were too different to start dating anyway but, yesterday I was chatting to a girl for the second time (who lives fairly close to me) when I said the weather was alright for World Naked Gardening Day and I took part in it and, after a second or two she said her garden wasn't private enough to do it, so two totally different reaction to the subject.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

then Im in a no win situation.
I've tried talking to girls at hippy hollow during my visits.

One of the reasons that leads me to believe Zamasu did nothing wrong, is this way that girls think.
How I can't approach them, or cant ask to kiss when we're hugging & I have to just 'wait. Girls NEVER make the first move, especially to underdogs like me.
But if I wait, it'll never happen. & I know this for sure because for the thousands of girls I never made contact with, they completely ignored me.
So on one hand, I can ask & get rejected & blocked, or I 'let them approach me' & I turn completely invisible to them & they never know I exist.

Shit like this gives me absolutely no hope in living & makes me wanna pull the trigger very badly.
I don't deserve to live when girls find me too repulsive to approach.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

I can sort of get how Salyan feels. If went to a strange place where there were more women than men, due to restrictions against single men, and sat down by myself hoping that maybe a man or a couple might come over and say hi to me, and not a single woman came over to greet me, I think I'd go away with a bad feeling about that place. I'd think I wasn't wanted.

I don't expect every single woman to come over and flirt with me (or any single man, either). But it would be nice to be acknowledged as a human being, not a guy out to hit on any woman he happens to meet. Who knows, I might want to talk about the things you want to talk about, share a few of the same interests, hear what you have to say. Could happen.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

Bunny that is some excellent advice, when I visit resorts I'm there to enjoy outdoor social nudity because I have no privacy outside my house.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

So basically, if you are a useful tool, then women might give you some attention. Also, do not try to share a part of your lifestyle with a female, she will resent it as an attempt to satisfy some primal need and not just be a support mechanism for her future. Okay, got it.

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RE:Ladies, what is the best way for a single, nudist male to approach you?

Note that I said "hope" and not "expect." I can't expect other people to live up to my own ideals, but I hope that someday they might.

You'll have to forgive Jehoram. He's a dreamer. Always has been. He sees the makings of a perfect world everywhere, and tries to live there.

He would have been a great friend of John Lennon, if they had met.

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