RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

Down under here in Aussie Land where I live, even in winter you can still get outside.
Sounds like all the responses to this thread get a proper winter which I don't.
Even on the coldest days in winter I can still be clothes free in the yard as well as on the beach, just as long as there is no breeze or wind, which can make it uncomfortable.
If the breeze gets up then Donald ducking comes into play even though it feels like cheating as naked clothes free is meant to be clothes free.
Must say that the winter sun here is quite mild which means one can be outdoors/on the beach almost all day and not get any sunburn.
Have lived in Europe and those winters were decimating as far as being naked and clothes free.
I don't envy you guys with the conundrum of dealing with the cold.
Be naked, sleep naked, Live long.

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