To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

I was faced with quite the conundrum yesterday.
It was my day off, was itching to work out in the yard and had several gardening and lawn projects I wanted to get done.
Unfortunately, the mercury was hovering around 55 degrees and the sun was hit and miss, mostly miss.
Do I find indoor projects to do so I can be clothes free or do I don my textile cocoon and get some fresh air?
The outdoors won out and I put my clothes on and headed out side.
Not sure If I was happy or disappointed when the temp dropped and I felt the need to head in, but the hot shower and naked time inside was welcome.
Do you all deal with this at this time of year?
Which one wins out?

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

It is very hit and miss for nude gardening this time of the year and even if it isn't that warm but the sun is out and no clouds about and no wind I will try to do nude gardening but on days when it is a mixture of sun and clouds it can get very cold quickly as when the clouds come over the wind picks up as well and on days like this what do you do that is the problem.

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

You can always Donald Duck it... Wear something up top and be naked from the waist down. LOL

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

I know some people think wearing just a shirt is comfortable in cool weather, but I find that if it is cool enough to require a shirt, I also need to wear shorts.

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

That is always an issue this time of year and I find that I can get my naked gardening in only in very short periods if the weather is just perfect. We get some decent sunny days here, but usually it's too windy to be outside naked.

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

You can always Donald Duck it... Wear something up top and be naked from the waist down. LOL
As somebody who grew up with Cockney rhyming slang I have trouble with the expression "Donald Ducking" for obvious reasons.

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

While Ive always enjoyed being naked, I dont mind have to wear clothes. Some clothes I actually enjoy wearing like a cool new T shirt or golf shorts I bought. Truly nude will always feel the best. When its cold I wear clothes, when it hot is shead them. If its a decision whether or not to be outside. Outside will always win. I cant stand being cooped up. If that means I have to wear clothes then so be it. Im not giving up golf or jeeping just because I cant do it nude. Life is a give and take. When its cold I give in to clothes. When its hot I TAKE them off.!! Just my two cents


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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

Energetic exercise or a hat, boots and scarf might keep you warm (see photos). Only joking. Yes if it's uncomfortably cold I wear enough to keep warm. I agree that wind and sun make a lot of difference. So it might be sensible to put on a jacket if the sun goes in or the wind gets up while I'm out there. But I'm not convinced that Donald Ducking is really nudism - it's just exposing the genitals. I did have a serious problem when walking on Blackpool beach when the weather changed. I wasn't intentionally Donald Ducking but the wind blew my kilt right up - and nearly froze my nuts off.

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

For me its Donald Ducking with a fine wool T-shirt to keep the torso warm. It has to be very cold to wear shorts or pants.

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

Yea, I throw on a long shirt, almost to my knees when it gets too cold. but I feel like I'm cheating my body.
It's just not the same! Sometimes I'll throw on a pair of sweats when its really chilly.
It's just that I'm impatient for summer. It's like nudist torture!!!!
Less is always better!
Did some nude gardening today until the sun started to go down. 60 in the shade for a while but when the wind picked up, and parts of me were starting to hide, it was time to go in.

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RE:To be nude or not to be nude, that is the question.

Borderline days;, it's tempting to go nude, but it depends on the balance of sun, clouds and wind. Warm sun and little air movement it feels delicious. A cloud hides the sun and suddenly it's too cool, or a little breeze blows and it's too cool again. Or if I'm working vigorous it's ok a little longer when it's too cool otherwise. It's been that way off and on for awhile, but gradually we're getting warmer days. I have the house to get finished and a sawmill job to do. But otherwise I will spend all the time I can out there working nude on garden projects, keep it growing till it's large enough to make me a good living, food to consume and plenty to market. With that running I can cut down on the side jobs and stick with the garden nearly full time.

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