I searched for and found several different versions of the Kinsey Sexuality Test and sat four of them!
One was a complete nonsense. In two of the tests I scored a 2 and was described as someone who is heterosexual with more than incidental homosexual tendencies.
In response to the question Who have you had sex with I answered only women. This gave me the score of 2 but when I re-sat the test and changed the answer to both men and women my score went up to 3, which would make me bisexual; equally heterosexual and homosexual had it been the case.
In another test I scored an average of 3.4, where 3 = predominantly straight, but more than incidentally LGBTQ+ and 4 = bisexual.
Since bi-sexuality is a lived experience based on sexual attraction and having sex with both males and females it follows that you need to have experienced both of these to be regarded as bi-sexual. So while I can definitely say I find myself sexually attracted to other men (as well as women), have desires and fantasies about sex with other men (and women) and have practised anal sex by myself (and with women), I have yet to have the pleasure of a sexual experience WITH another male.
Bi-curious is the term for a person, usually someone who is a heterosexual, who is curious or open about engaging in sexual activity with a person whose sex differs from that of their usual sexual partners. However, the term curious suggests it is an eagerness to learn; to be inquisitive or even prying. I don't feel curious; I am much more in the open to engaging in sexual activity camp, but will have to wait until the opportunities arise for me to experience it WITH another male.
Looking forward to the day I can re-sit the test and score 3 or 4!
Having had sexual experiences with another male and retaken the test I now score 3 and 4 (depending on the test). Awesome!