Monthly Nudist Lunch + Tarot Readings (Morningside Heights)
My male nudist roommate and two of our Self-Care Sunday|In-Home Spa buddies have convinced me to host a once-monthly Nudist Lunch on March 31st in Morningside Heights, 3 pm until 8 pm.
We've limited space for guests this first time around, eight invitees maximum. As of this writing, there will be four of us, all men. Women nudists are certainly invited.
Menu will include homemade Seafood Gumbo, homemade Honey Cornbread muffins, mixed salad, and groovy brownies. Guests are asked to bring drinks (soda, beer, or wine).
The idea is to meet and socialize at least once a month with other local NYC/NJ nudists.
There is an entrance fee to cover the cost of food, supplies, and the tarot card reader. We might also include spa add-ons (activated charcoal masks and/or thirty-minute chair or table massage).
If interested, please contact me directly via True Nudists email.
Thanks in advance!