RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I accept all comments on my appearance politely, regardless of whether I am clothed or unclothed at the time.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Wouldnt bother me in the least, nude or clothed , men like to hear compliments just as much as women do. Also wouldnt care what sex complimented.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Because in a clothed setting, to say someone is stunning is a general compliment. Far removed from "great tits."

Okay, TRUTH time! Someone says to you, "You look stunning" or even "great tits"!
What percentage of your feelings are thinking "asshole!", and what percentage deep down is thinking "he /she thinks I have nice tits! :)"

I have to believe that there is an inkling of flattery felt no matter how offensive you may think the comment was.

I personally prefer" Perky Nips"! It's a bit more winsome. Or sometimes, "well aren't we tic-tacky today!" when I'm complimenting Annie.

Suppose you see a guy who has an exceptionally prominent natural feature. if you know what I mean.
I'm sure there is a part of you that wants to comment. Instead, you don't but later you turn to your mate and say, "did you see that thing?"

I don't think the owner of the appendage in question would be offended by a compliment.
If someone said that to me, I would probably respond with "It was a gift!"

I just think we aren't always totally honest with ourselves, hence the beginning of this topic.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

So if your in a nude environment and someone said "My you are absolutely stunning and have a beautiful tan", you might take offense because all your sacred nude parts are visible?

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

So if your in a nude environment and someone said "My you are absolutely stunning and have a beautiful tan", you might take offense because all your sacred nude parts are visible?
There is a world of difference between complimenting somebody on their total appearance and drawing attention to their primary or secondary sexual characteristics.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I have to agree with Danita. If you tell someone that you like a part of their anatomy 'Nice tits" or "nice penis or ass" that is a no no. Just like if you said that when they were clothed. Now complimenting them on their tan or hair style is something different. I have done that and never had any complaints.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

100% agree.

As a man, there is a lot of size shaming in society. The size or shape of your anatomy has NOTHING to do with your quality as a human being. (Or value as a man)

And if someone I meet (and don't know EXTREMELY WELL) makes a comment on it... The only thing that comes to mind is that this person is creepy at best.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

There's a men's only (must have a cock), adult (must be at least 21 years of age -- yes, they check), clothing-optional (you can wear clothing, but why you would) resort near where I live. So, yeah, a lot of naked men everywhere. Although comments about equipment are not rampant, they are common enough. "Nice cock," "Great low-hangers," etc. They are compliments not to be taken any differently from, "Great smile," "Nice haircut."

I find this sort of laughable. I've been to a number of adult, male only CO resorts and comments about genitals or butt may be coy but are about the sexual appetite of the commenter. I don't think that particular setting is what this thread started out about. In most nudist settings where the "sexual temperature" (as it is often referred to in male CO resorts) is low, comments on genitals or boobs comes off as inappropriate. There's no comparing a comment about a tan or smile with one about boob size. The first two you made a decision about, the last is (in most cases) genes and maybe diet.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

My wife and are somewhat new to the nudist community. Thus I am still forming opinions on subjects like these but I am glad to have the opportunity to think this one through. I think that comments on other persons body parts are completely out of line. Isn't that a large part of the nudist experience to free ourselves of self-consciousness over our appearance? Don't we do this to see beyond appearance and try to communicate and get to know others as humans with thoughts, dreams, ideas, and opinions rather than how physically attractive we may or may not be???

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

If it was an acquaintance that i knew and knew me it would be perfectly acceptable. If it is a stranger i would be cautious to see why the comment if we dont know one another. I have had compliments given to me all the time in past when doin nude figure modeling. I dont know each artist directly, but it is a relaxed atmosphere and the compliment is well received.

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