RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

FreeLee, I love your posts, buddy! If I was privy to the interaction between you and you wife I would think it was the cutest damn thing. My Dad used to walk past my Mom and he couldn't keep from patting her on the butt - "Still got it, Ma" he used to say and they'd laugh at one another.

God I love romance..

Now, I like compliments (giving and receiving, being the compliment whore that I am), but in a nudist setting I always take a couple of things into consideration: how well I know someone and what's the compliment. I'm more sensitive to this not because of being a nudist but from being a people manager in a Fortune 500 company for 15 years. You learn quickly that sometimes even if a compliment is delivered the person in receipt of the compliment may not take it as such, or may feel that the compliment calls out something they are not comfortable with or are insecure about.

I know many will call that being Politically Correct, to me it means that I haven't walked a mile in their shoes and that I don't know their story.

I like to know my audience and I often take the time to get to know someone well before delivering compliments on anything other than their disposition/kindness/humor/knowledge/positivity/etc. When I feel that another person and I have a rapport than I may offer the compliment but tread lightly.

For me it might be easier since most people I meet in a nudist situation quickly learn that I think all bodies are beautiful - I don't always feel the need to call out someone's body or any part of it because in talking with people I often interject one of my reasons for being a nudist is that the human body is the ultimate piece of art, and as a nudist I get to see and appreciate all of them.

As for me, I like getting compliments, but it can be weird and again I appreciate it if you know me a little first. You run up to me on the beach and say "Nice dick" - well yes I'd be taken aback and think that the man or women saying that wasn't interested in me as a person at all. Now if we meet, engage in small talk, have a beer on the beach after meeting, and 30 minutes into the conversation some guy says "Man, I wish I had your dick", well then I'd take that as a compliment and laugh while telling him to go back to the guy who did his Lasik surgery because obviously the guy fucked it up (insert evil smiley face)

Damn I wish it were all easier but in the end I truly never want to offend anyone or make them uncomfortable.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Well said Kevin! Spot on!
FreeLee, I love your posts, buddy! If I was privy to the interaction between you and you wife I would think it was the cutest damn thing. My Dad used to walk past my Mom and he couldn't keep from patting her on the butt - "Still got it, Ma" he used to say and they'd laugh at one another.God I love romance..Now, I like compliments (giving and receiving, being the compliment whore that I am), but in a nudist setting I always take a couple of things into consideration: how well I know someone and what's the compliment. I'm more sensitive to this not because of being a nudist but from being a people manager in a Fortune 500 company for 15 years. You learn quickly that sometimes even if a compliment is delivered the person in receipt of the compliment may not take it as such, or may feel that the compliment calls out something they are not comfortable with or are insecure about.I know many will call that being Politically Correct, to me it means that I haven't walked a mile in their shoes and that I don't know their story.I like to know my audience and I often take the time to get to know someone well before delivering compliments on anything other than their disposition/kindness/humor/knowledge/positivity/etc. When I feel that another person and I have a rapport than I may offer the compliment but tread lightly.For me it might be easier since most people I meet in a nudist situation quickly learn that I think all bodies are beautiful - I don't always feel the need to call out someone's body or any part of it because in talking with people I often interject one of my reasons for being a nudist is that the human body is the ultimate piece of art, and as a nudist I get to see and appreciate all of them.As for me, I like getting compliments, but it can be weird and again I appreciate it if you know me a little first. You run up to me on the beach and say "Nice dick" - well yes I'd be taken aback and think that the man or women saying that wasn't interested in me as a person at all. Now if we meet, engage in small talk, have a beer on the beach after meeting, and 30 minutes into the conversation some guy says "Man, I wish I had your dick", well then I'd take that as a compliment and laugh while telling him to go back to the guy who did his Lasik surgery because obviously the guy fucked it up (insert evil smiley face)Damn I wish it were all easier but in the end I truly never want to offend anyone or make them uncomfortable.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

A big part of what we like most about the nude lifestyle is the satisfaction (and turn-on) of others seeing us naked. Compliments are always welcome from couples, women and men. :))

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I think it really depend more on who makes the compliment and when.

I remember one time we were laying out on a beach and a couple of older women completely clothed were walking by and one of them came over to my wife and said "Honey, if I had your body I wouldn't ever wear clothes" then the other one said "If I had your husband I wouldn't leave the bedroom" then she said "We walk this beach almost every morning and I have seen hundreds of naked cocks, but that has to be the prettiest cock I have ever seen" then we both just kinda laughed not knowing what too say. Then they apologized if they offended us and continued there walk. Then a couple sitting near us came over laughing and said "I can't believe what they said to you guys, we have been coming here for years and they never talk to anyone walking the beach" we didn't think they even noticed nudist's and just were walking looking for shells

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Thankful! Then ask if they are nudists, if clothed.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Some of my profile pics have attracted a few likes, so not directly complementary or specific about which part of my anatomy, appreciated all the same. Compliments are especially appreciated from younger people.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

99.999999% of the Males at the Nude Resorts haven't seen their Penis since their College Days ( Due to their Fat Guts ) , and the majority of Women's bodies look as if, the last thing that any of them should be be seen in Public "Nude"!

This quote reflects my primary fear of joining my husband in social nudity. Its something I have told myself looking in the mirror and its something Im working hard to get over. Having said that, I appreciate a genuine compliment and would hope any negative comments be kept unspoken.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

99.999999% of the Males at the Nude Resorts haven't seen their Penis since their College Days ( Due to their Fat Guts ) , and the majority of Women's bodies look as if, the last thing that any of them should be be seen in Public "Nude"!This quote reflects my primary fear of joining my husband in social nudity. Its something I have told myself looking in the mirror and its something Im working hard to get over. Having said that, I appreciate a genuine compliment and would hope any negative comments be kept unspoken.

This is how I determine I'm not (too) fat. If I can still see my penis (and my toes), I'm good :)

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

[quote} This is how I determine I'm not (too) fat. If I can still see my penis (and my toes), I'm good :)

John aka cobeachbum

I must be okay then, can still see my penis too. Problem isn't the gut, but penis seems to be getting smaller with age. . .

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

What seems odd to me, if at a textile gathering, someone comments "you look stunning", it would be a well accepted comment by anyone, but say it in a nudist setting and it becomes appalling!
Why is that?

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