RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

So, I'm checking out a leak under the sink this morning, my naked self sprawled out on the kitchen floor. Wifey walks in to top off her coffee cup, sees my headless torso and says "Nice Penis"!Sometimes I'll comment to her, "some perky nips you got goin' on there today"! Usually responded to with a cute coy grin!How do others feel about receiving similar comments? What if it was a nude friend or passer by?Would it offend you or flatter you. Political correctness aside, how would you really feel.

I don't see anything wrong there as it was between you and your wife. I personally wouldn't take offense if a random person commented, I might thank them, but if it was more than a passing comment and they got hung up on it, it might get awkward. I avoid saying anything to someone else because I don't know how they would take it.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Flattery will get you everywhere with me...I'm just easy like that. LOL. Ok, kidding...maybe? I can receive a compliment and not mistake it for any more than that. If it is more than that, people will either follow it up with another one or something else...OR... wait and see how you respond and if you don't, they may keep it moving. Honestly, I am fine with either.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Genuine compliments are always welcome. Flirtations are easily dealt with. Very important to know the difference. As nudists we have to be able to accept ourselves as we are and be able to understand that not everyone who compliments us is looking for something else.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I would be delighted. Regardless of the sex or state of dress.
A compliment is a compliment.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I would be delighted. Regardless of the sex or state of dress.
A compliment is a compliment.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I'm retired to a ranch in the desert with a pool and good neighbors. So, I don't get much social interaction and none re nude. If my blushing bride adored my 73 yr old physic I'd jump for joy & wish I was 20 years younger to grab her and ravish her sweet self!!

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I think may have responded to a similar thread like this before, so I'll risk repeating myself here again. :)

Once at a nudist event...can't remember was a long time ago when I was somewhat younger...a nice looking woman that was close to my age complimented me on my bottom. That took me by surprise! I never thought that was one of my better bodily qualities. LOL I thanked her for the nice compliment and that it made my week! After chatting for a bit I ended up at her table with another friend for the rest of the party.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

A few years ago at a resort in Texas, an older gentleman walked by me as I was sitting on a chair by the pool. I am not gay, but the first thing I noticed about him was his penis -- perfect in every way. Not erect but was about 10 inches long, straight as an arrow, nicely tanned. I have regretted ever since that I did not express my admiration. I believe he would have appreciated it because he had to be proud of what he had.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I'd be very cautious about giving a compliment, even if I am thinking it, but would be happy to receive a compliment as a compliment and even if it is intended to be more than a compliment then accept it as a compliment anyway. The most difficult part is coming up with a suitably appreciative and witty reply on the spot and not 5 minutes later.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I'd say it would depend on the person being complimented. A person who has been a nudist for a long time is probably going to be comfortable in their body, and would take any compliments in stride. But for somebody who is new to it and still insecure and maybe a bit uncomfortable about their nudity, a compliment could be taken as calling attention to their nakedness or even attempting to hit on them.

As for me, my reaction would be astonishment. There was a time, maybe forty years ago, when I'd anticipate a compliment. But now I'm happy just to have my body in working condition.

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