Nearly nude

We were staying at Maspalomas, gran Canaria when we decided to drive inland and explore the mountain. We always drive naked. We came to a village which consists of a row of market stalls, a few houses and a big restaurant. We decided to try to get some ice cream. I put on a chiffon scarf to vaguely make myself respectable. As we walked past the market stall they offered to sell us some trousers. Not distracted we went on to the restaurant. I chose a couple of ice creams and went to pay. Two girls were seated at the pay desk. You can guess where their eye level was as I stood before them. There was a lot of amused chatter (in Spanish) as they realised they could see everything through the thin chiffon. Eventually I paid and we went on our way.

Next day we went back for a meal, this time wearing shorts. The waitress came up, looked me closely in the face and asked if I'd been there the day before. I said Yes, buying ice creams. She went over to tell the other waitresses what she had seen. They were amused and a nearby Spanish couple were definitely not amused.

I've had many amusing times wrapped in that see through scarf. I look covered at a distance. But, when close, they can see everything. Maybe it's because they think they can see something they shouldn't - all my private parts. It always raises a smile.

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