Science Says This Type Of Person Hangs Out Naked When At Home
Science Says This Type Of Person Hangs Out Naked When At Home
Great news, everyone: if you love to hang out at home naked, it might be because youre intelligent.
OK, so maybe its a little more complex than that. Before you go around telling everyone youre a genius because your favorite way to spend the day is sans pants, you should probably take a look at the study, which uses the Big Five personality scale.
If youve never heard of the Big Five before, its a scale that breaks a persons personality into five categories: extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience (or intelligence), and agreeableness More...
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In my experience I see it as the lower intelligent people who will swear around others. I'm sure they got that one wrong. Those of the intelligentsia will speak with propriety. But the propensity to think for themselves and be naked more is quite likely to go along with higher intelligence, Ben Franklin, Winston Churchill. Probably many others not identified. always knew I was above average in that arena. But higher education in schooling and higher intelligence don't always go together. The smartest of society are often too intelligent to bother with much schooling as they're jumping ahead of the system so fast they just quit school and chase their interest. Kind of like what I did by having very loose schedule of home school, sort of finishing 9th, chasing other interest a couple years then taking the GED out of the blue and getting top grade on it of the whole class that was taking it. And then never bother with any more schooling. Buy organic could mean they pay more attention to health issues. That's me except I will go even further with it, grow my own nutrient dense. What's called nutrient dense is a big step up from organic. Eat spicy? If I don't get hot salsa with my chips I feel like it was too tame, just canned vegetables Ignore sports? For sure. I have no interest there. I was into technology when young, chasing after ham radio and then researching energy inventions all my life. Put together a home foundry and machine shop with the plan to manufacture my own steam engines, plus whatever energy devices I need to support agriculture. and there have been some interesting things invented but kicked out of society because they would disrupt current extensive money making systems. Most people would be shocked to learn what all has been invented, it's mindboggling until one studies energy enough to find out where all energy really comes from. Then it becomes clear we're running on a very low level that we could have gone way above if only it weren't for greedy businessmen who put a stop to it all to maintain profits. Of many new inventions through the years, many of them would have completely invalidated all energy sources we still use if they'd been allowed to be propagated openly. They also made personal flight possible, everyone would have already been zipping around in anti gravity flying cars instead of driving on roads. Although around cities there would still be the problem of traffic and risk of colliding, and so some sort of organization of travel paths would have had to be followed. But it didn't happen, and won't happen any time soon, even though the technology is all available. So I'll just hang out back in the woods and do my own thing, clear some land, make biochar, be a naturist gardener.
this is a confusing double-name situation, since openness and intellect dont intuitively feel like the same thing).
Having knowledge is often confused with intellect which is more about a capacity to engage ideas so it fits with openness IMO. With the exception of swearing around others the others fit me to a tee.