I too find being naked in a social setting as a very natural thing to do, and don't even notice people are naked. I chat and mingle just as I would in a clothed social setting. I also find removing clothes to be a great equalizer, and notice that most people react more sociably when naked. At least that's been my experience. :-))
I think the same way. when my wife said she wasn't interested in seeing other people naked I told her you don't even notice it when in that situation. It just feels natural. Thats probably why I've never had an erection at the nudist beach or resort when I went. I do find it is harder to be sociable at the beach when a solo nudist. At Cypress Cove which is the only nudist resort I've been to the people were very friendly towards me. Love going there.
I go to a CO beach or venue to BE naked. Quite often my friend and I are the only ones who are naked, surrounded by beach-goers in swimwear or more. Yes, of course, it is better when there are other nudists around - a social bond. I will look at those around me whether they are naked or clothed. That's people-watching not voyeurism. And I'm quite happy for others to see me naked (whether they are clothed or not). That's being comfortable in my own skin, not exhibitionism. However taking and publishing so many photos ( I have 1,000's on a few websites) may be verging on exhibitionism. And they would be pointless if nobody took a look at them.
I've only been to a couple beaches and also some saunas but I like to just be naked especially if it is outdoors. I have been to some events where it is more obvious that quite a few people are there to see naked bodies. I go to them because i like to be nude and generally feel people are a little more open and honest because they literally have nothing to hide behind. Sometimes when i am nude in nature I also like to just be by myself so that I can recharge. Seems i'm out in nature more solo than with friends so i kinda wish it was the other way around, but i'll take what i can get.
It's DEFINITELY to BE NAKED; however, as others have articulated so nicely - it is about being with other who are JUST LIKE YOU - a happy naked person. It's very affirming to be with like minded spirits. Also, I am actually MORE aware when I am in clothes vs. when I am nude. I don't know how to explain it, but I am just me "naked." I think, I feel like more people are looking when I am in clothes than not. Just some random, personal observations.
I would go to a nude beach to be nude. Before I decided to be a full fledged naturist, I researched the ideology of naturism. I got a couple of answers in my search. The first was from the AANR which stated, body acceptance is the idea, nude recreation is the way but it didnt quite answer my question I was looking for my self proposed question. What did answer it was this ideology, naturism is not only body acceptance no matter the shape of the figure and liberation of clothing, but also the act of opening your mind to how natural the world can be in its most natural state and discarding the standards society holds us to.
Not only do we free our bodies but also our mind frame by only focusing on what matters. Compassion, transparency, honesty, and happiness.
I go to be naked it because thats what makes me happy and I enjoy doing. Thats all that should matter.