Hey guys,
Why men shave their bush is beyond me. But that is my opinion too. I just remember seeing my dad at the gym etc.. when I was young and remember thinking I couldn't wait to get hair around my penis. It was such a passing of manhood / maleness. I remember even asking him when I would get hair there and he replied in a few years and then you become a man. If you are seriously the same about bush as I am... contact me! later dudes.
How do others feel about their pube bush?
I love my pubic and body hair..would never think of shaving or trimming it. Its such a masculine feature, shame so many shave it off..Men should leave the body shaving and waxing to the women. We are hairy by nature, should leave it be and enjoy it.
Just like you Matguy7071, when I was young, I could not wait to grow a bush and become a man. It is just part of being an adult and not a kid any more. I do not trim so sometimes my hair gets caught in my zipper and that hurts. LOL Criscurios you might want to use some sort of powder. I use powder all around my bush and ball. It helps dry up and moisture and helps keep you cool. Please make sure you do NOT get the kind of powder with menthol in it. Your testicles might not like it. LOL