"Bisexual" or "Bi-curious" vs "Straight" Entered on Female vs Male Profiles
Without actually counting, my impression on TrueNudist and other sites that have a Sexual Orientation field in the profile, is that a greater percentage of females list themselves as bisexual or bi-curious as compared to males. Males are more likely to enter "Straight" than "Bisexual" or "Bi-curious." Do you think that these answers represent reality or is it a macho thing with males who won't admit to themselves or others that they are at least bi-curious, to some degree?
I list myself as bisexual, I am married but proud of my bisexuality and told my wife a long time ago since then we have lived honestly with my orientation and have a wonderful relationship full of love and respect so I say if you are bisexual or bi curious why not admit it
I am bisexual and have no problem saying it in an environment such as this, where people are likely to be more open and understanding.
You are completely right. I could not tell it better
Agreed. However, the Australian public are becoming more accepting of peoples sexuality. This has become more pronounced since the Marriage Equality vote on late 2017. So many people where PC about voicing their opinion on how they perceive the issue. With a 63% voting in favor and 20 % who did not bother to vote, Statistically that means 75% or more were in favor. Since then, the number of people who welcome men who are coming out bi or gay is impressive. Yes there is a fear of being judged, but that is not an issue with the younger generations. Us older generations now don't care what others think.
Sexual preference shouldn't be of concern if we are really here to simply socialize. Now if this is a dating site then that would be different. I list "straight" when asked because my feelings of love and emotions are tied to the opposite sex, however when it comes to sexual pleasuring, then I prefer being with people that are not shamed by their body whether that be male or female. Nudist in general have the best sex because we have the least hangups about our bodies and our sexual organs.
Im not much for prefixed sexuality. We are all sexual, just like being right handed, left handed or ambidextrous. I chose bicurious on my profile and also identify with the term heteroflexible.
I see various levels of attraction. First is social, then sensual, social and spiritual/love. I enjoy sensual/erotic massage for the pleasure alone and dont relate it to any attraction. On the other hand, Im only interested in romantic relationships with women.
US men are reluctant to admit to any bi-ness is because homophobia is effectively used to control them. Americans need to watch sports, a sophisticated form of advertainment, to witness acceptable not gay hugging and ass hitting. In the same way women control men with the message that all sensual and sexual expression should soley and directly be with them, anything else is having issues, and this is the insinuating manipulation of soft power. As men become aware of this, its easier to claim sexual freedom and reduce the bi stigma.
Without actually counting, my impression on TrueNudist and other sites that have a Sexual Orientation field in the profile, is that a greater percentage of females list themselves as bisexual or bi-curious as compared to males. Males are more likely to enter "Straight" than "Bisexual" or "Bi-curious." Do you think that these answers represent reality or is it a macho thing with males who won't admit to themselves or others that they are at least bi-curious, to some degree?
It is called straight privilege dude. These "straight" guys like getting and giving blowjobs on the side, but want all the perks of being straight in society.