Nude Photography & Graphics Group
The Group is doing great, with a number of fairly active members, posting regularly. Be sure check it out.
The Group is fortunate to have a diverse and worldwide membership which share fine nude photographs and creative works as well as tips for beginners. The contributions of the members have made this an interesting and useful group
It appears to be the curse of most Web groups. A bunch of people join and a very small percentage of them actually participate. The ones that do contribute get bored or frustrated with the lack of activity and response, and they stop. Result: another inert group.Consider the Photography Nudists group. It has 956 members; it has been in existence since December 28, 2008; and the "ago" numbers for the first five threads are 24 hours, 7 days, 2 months, 5 months and 6 months. Mac repeatedly try to stir interest in it, with little success. He apparently abandoned it to its fate and focused his efforts on the "Nude Photography & Graphics" group. I tried a few times to join the PN group, but after waiting several days each time for approval that never came, I decided that it was an exercise in futility and quit trying. C'est la vie.
Without active participation by the members, groups are likely to go dormant and useless. As stated, I made an effort to generate activity in the Photography Nudist Group. At one time, I offered to be a moderator in order to expedite membership requests but received no response. I finely gave up, quit the group and recreated theNude Photography & Graphics Group.
In that group we have members posting examples of their work, questions and hints to others and members such as Catbird who create popular and interesting threads, (Nude Christmas Photos). We would still welcome more activity but for now, we are doing just fine.
Note: group rules require a profile picture, nude or non-nude. those without a profile picture will not be approved for group membership.
Nude Photography & Graphics Group/
Hi just learned of this group and joined (waiting on approval) a photographer I look forward to seeing the creative side of TN and posting good work of my own in the future. Cheers
We4 are looking forward to seeing your work.
Nude Photography & Graphics GroupActivity has picked up nicely. It is suggested that group members check in daily to keep up with the new posts.Nude Photography & Graphics Group
The group now has 199 members. Who will become the 200th?