RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

I'm a happy nudist who has no problem with being at a nudist club or resort but I'm used to home being clothed as are 99 percent of people so it's really very silly to suggest that being nude with your roommates is your right. It would be great but like has been said, getting along is number 1. You don't want your roommates to stop wearing deodorant or to practise sitar at 3 in the am or grow mushrooms in the bathtub. We ask, we see if they are cool with it and if so, great, if not then we make do. Compromise is for people. Having your own way is for hermits.

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RE: Telling your room mate

When nobody is there be nude. But always be nude in your bedroom if you want. Or tell the complainers you pay rent so drop dead.

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

start out with out wearing as much around the house take it real slow see how they react to that ask what there views are on being naked just feel them out

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

I have the same problem with my homemate , but my problem is bigger . I'm 19 years old and Im studing in malaysia . I live far from my country . Anyway I have a apartment and sharing it with my homemate . About two or tree weeks ago I dcided to be a nudist and I got so many information about this lifestyle. I can only be nude in my room . My homemate is very closedmind .He doesn't know what it nudist and naturist and I don't know how can I explain to him about it . He think that if I get naked and let him too see me I'm brutish . not only me he think all the nodists are brutish . he says wisdom make human too choose dress and this is difference between human and animals.
"I dress because I respect you" he says . So he think that having cloth is a way to respect each other . A funny thing about him is , he never take off his T-shirt even he sleep with T-shirt .
so I'm very glad to have your suggestion .

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

thanksAthensSunfor your advise .Yes you're right .I like my homemate and I don't want to make any problem .
yes It was me who decide to change my lifestyle and myself and I'm agree with mutual respect .

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RE: Telling Room mates your a Nudist

When it comes to roommates, you can never just take an "in your face attitude." Unless you were up front about how you wish to live your life before moving in, you MUST be quite a bit more diplomatic with them. It is even more difficult when you are sharing a room. I think that the following steps should be taken:
1. As a male, it is acceptable to see most parts of your body. With the exception of your waist area, showing any other portion of your body should not be too out of line (in the USA). I would suggest getting to the point where you are only wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. You will be more comfortable and your roomies will get used to seeing most of you exposed.
2. Leave sex out of the equation. Never talk about nudity and sex in the same sentence. Stop talking about how "hot" someones body may be. You need to stop objectifying the body before you can expect your roommates to do the same. If the subject does come up, it should be matter-of-fact and illicit -- at most -- a tepid and disinterested response from you.
3. Leave sexuality out of the equation. They are your roommates, not your boyfriends. They will be at most your friends. They really don't need to know about your attractions. If it does come up, it should be matter of fact and you should appear bored with the subject.
4. All speak about nudity in a tone and manner that makes it sound commonplace when it comes out of your mouth. Don't try to just put the subject in every place where it doesn't belong; it will appear as a contrivance, and rightfully so.
5. When going to bed, don't take off your clothes under the sheets. As you are only wearing shorts by this point, just sit down and take off your shorts with little to no fan-fare and get under the covers.
6. Talk to your roommates about your dislike of clothes and why. Don't focus on the positive aspects of nudity, focus on the negative aspects of clothing. As your roommates are not nudists, they cannot relate to being nude around others. They can, on the other hand, relate to wearing clothes. If you point out enough discomforts with clothing, they will come to understand your decisions and feelings in a more empathetic setting.
7. Try to go fishing with your roommates -- for information. Ask questions to find out what they think and why.
8. DO NOT try to convert your roomies.
9. Make it well known, when the time comes, that you don't care if they wear clothing and that this is only about you being more comfortable.
Hope this helps. I usually use these steps when around people that don't know ahead of time. The thing that seems to put most of them at ease is when I state my dislike of and discomfort with clothing. After that, it is just a matter of removing the shorts.

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RE: Telling Room mates your a Nudist

And make certain you have impeccable hygiene with your body. IMPECCABLE! Make certain you are clean after EVERY restroom visit! And make your proclivity for cleanliness known.

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

Just be nude and roll your eyes a lot if they complain but stay nude. Call them Barney Fife or Churchlady or Jesus or Hitler or Dick Cheney or go dude, I know you want it bad and you go to gay bars so I thought I'd save you the trip. Then run fast.

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

I've had a similar situation moving recently, and to my supprise two housemates are on board with being naked when one feels like(and one sometimes will be)though the other has been a bit more apprehensive. I would just be completely honest and try to make seem like its not a big deal and that you would simply be more comfortable with out clothes, they may have some apprehension because they are reading something sexual into the situation that is not there. So far I have gotten to the point where they are fine with me not wearing a towel in after a shower and not usually being dressed when I have coffee in the morning, so its going in the right direction. I would not however try and "convert" anybody you could casually suggest they might be more comfortable on a hot with out clothes and certainly if they were to bring up the idea be supportive.

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Tricky but Possible

Haven't read all the posts here, so I might be repeating what someone else said. I have a friend who is also going through this issue of roommates and nudity. My suggestion, and I'll stick to it, is to de-sexualize and reduce the weird factor by simply approaching it head-on and saying something like, "When I'm alone I've gotten used to running around without my boxer shorts. I sure hope that it wouldn't freak you out if I did that. It's not like a sexual thing, dude, it's just free and easy. OK?" And see what sort of reaction you get. I suspect if you deal with it directly and not try to make too big a deal out of it, or give yourself a "weirdo" label like saying, "Oh by the way I'm a nudist" will go much better. Just my thoughts.

Good luck and remember to be yourself. If the freedom that is nudism is important to you, you must protect that even if it means making life choices and changes that are difficult or challenging.

Peace, Reef

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