How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

i need help! i want to be able to walk around the apartment nude but i live with three other people in a two bedroom apartment. so my qustion/ topic for discussion is how to get your roomates to except you as a nudist and be ok with male nudity in the house. and possibly/ maybe converting them to nudism. Thanks for the help hope to hear from you.

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I live with roomates too. I't was easy for me though, they caught me catching some sun in the back yard one day. I don't think there was any hope of converting them. So I respect that they expect to see me clothed and they on the other hand seem to except the fact that I might not always be dressed. Its just a matter of respect and tolerence. Are your friends the tolerent type? If yes then you might have a chance.

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

I think the direct approach might be the way - tell them you like to be naked at home & ask them what their comfort level with this is & negotiate from there - best of luck anyway :)

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

I assume it's an all male apartment so you might as well just tell them. Might be awkward if they have girlfriends etc. but it may also depend on their views on other subjects (very religious for example). I have a lodger and haven't told him, he saw me in the kitchen once (I thought he was at work) and he just giggled. There is the obvious sexual element to it, some men may be uncomfortable with lots of other naked men around the place if there is any hint that one of you is gay and the others are straight. As you have only 2 rooms with 4 people I assume at least one of them sees you naked on a regular basis!!

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

"Hey I'm a nudist" seems like the easiest way to go.

Although you want to walk around nude unfortunately you are in a shared situation and you each have to make compromises for the other people's comfort in the house. Don't be surprised if they are adamantly against seeing you in the buff daily. I would keep the nudity to your own bedroom or when the house is empty.

Living with roommates is a touchy situation that can soon become volatile if one feels their personal comfort levels have been breeched. If you are no longer comfortable in your living situation then you should put out an ad for seeking a nudist house share. :) It's definitely possible and you'll be a whole lot happier.

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

thanks everyone for replying, yes all the roomates are males and all in their 20's. i do sleep naked everynight but i have to take my clothes off under the covers. the roomate who sleeps in my roomate with me goes to day calss and i attend night class. and one morning in this past summer i was sleeping nude and the covers slid off and onto the floor. when he woke up in the morning and saw me fully exposed he woke me up immediately and told me to cover myself. i just laughed, told him it was hot and covered up. but it gave me a bad vibe about him. so when hes not here i'm nude all the time in my room. but living with three other people and all on diffrent scedules so anyone can come home at any time. thanks again for all your posts and please kep them coming

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

Nice thread! You have a happy disposition and my sense is keep that by finding people who are sympatico, not trying to convert folks who may not be. Also as you say you are bi, that may get in the way of nudity with other fit young men who arent! I reckon one doesnt need to say these things - they just communicate. So basically find some new flat mates! but enjoy the ones you have for now! Ignore if this doesnt feel good to you!

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Telling your room mate

Just be open, honest & be prepared to answer any questions he may have!!

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

Like it's been said, tolerance is a big thing, at least it is in my opinion. My last room mate, even though she wasn't a nudist, didn't mind at all if I was nude...matter of fact, she encourage it occasionally! My roomie I have now, knows I'm a nudist, but doesn't want to participate, nor does she want to see me wander the house nude. I respect her and her opinions and there is no way I would force my nudism on her. Soooooo, find out your room mates tolerances and what their comfortable with and respect it! (of course let them know, they may end up seeing you nude on accident and what not!)

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

It looks to me that moving and seeking to share with other more relaxed people, and they could be either gender if true nudists, would be the best thing for you to do. In the meantime you could consider at least swapping room with one of the more easy going guys. The one you have clearly has issues and is being over puritan. You have as much right to use that room as you wish as he does. I think having to get undressed under the covers and the way he reacted is tantamount to bullying by him. I am assuming you pay as much for the room as he does so you are entitled to use as you wish and he should cut some slack. You surly don't get under the bed clothes to get dressed when he's around do you?! If he doesn't like seeing you nude he can always change room, sleep on the sofa or wait outside/look the other way when you are nude.
I wish you the best of luck though in finding morecompatibleroomies.

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RE: How to tell your roomates your a nudist?

Like it's been said, tolerance is a big thing, at least it is in my opinion. My last room mate, even though she wasn't a nudist, didn't mind at all if I was nude...matter of fact, she encourage it occasionally! My roomie I have now, knows I'm a nudist, but doesn't want to participate, nor does she want to see me wander the house nude. I respect her and her opinions and there is no way I would force my nudism on her. Soooooo, find out your room mates tolerances and what their comfortable with and respect it! (of course let them know, they may end up seeing you nude on accident and what not!)
I really question the premise here. Why is it that you are "forcing" nudism on her? Isn't she "forcing" clothing on you? Clothing is the acceptable form of the "privileged", nudity is the "abnormal" form. Not to draw too many parallels, it's the same as being gay in a world of straight privilege. You are not forcing nudity on your room mate, you are living your life in your home. It's bad enough we have laws against simple nudity in all public areas, but you do not want to "force" nudity on your room mate? I would ask her to go nude and not force clothing on you.
I guess that's another way to look at it! Thank you for responding! This is such a fun and interesting place!

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