RE: Are most true nudist young?

middle-aged, cellulite infested, out of shape here!
Are you referring specifically to this site or to the nudism movement in general?


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RE: Are most true nudist young?

The most impressive sight I've seen at Gunnison Beach was a couple of Summers ago, when I noted a couple sitting on beach chairs near the water. They were both nude and holding hands. I had made an educated guess that they were in their 80's.
To me, who has been to nudist venues around the World, age has nothing to do with nudism, as nudism is simply body acceptance and freedom!!!

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RE: Are most true nudist young?

Thank you
appreciate your feedback.

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RE: Are most true nudist young?

I think we see a good mix of both young and old, and both in and out of shape on this site.

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RE: Are most true nudist young?

most nudists areold and out of shape, but people prefer looking at pictures of young, attractive nudists. A lot of the older ones see no need to show off photos of themselves. Some of theless attractive people areunwilling to place their photos in the public view, where they would be compared with lithe young models.Hence a disproportionate amount of photos are posted of young, fit nudists.
It tends to be older men post a lot more than older women, because there is less of a glamour industry for male nudity. For us it is more about, "this is me, this is what i did, this is where i went" and less about "this is what i look like".

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RE: Are most true nudist young?

OK OK this is a long thread with no apparent end. BUT, I must comment. In my mind there is "EYE CANDY" and "MIND CANDY". I most certainly prefer to look at pictures of young attractive healthy bodies of either gender. They are beautiful. But "EYE CANDY" is just that a sweet without substance. many of the "older" nudists have experiences to talk about and are very interesting people. The fat out of shape person does not have eye appeal. BUT, that doesn't mean they arent appealing people. Oh Contrare!! I also like to see photos of ANY nudist of ANY shape doing normal things of life while naked. The posted shots in a lounge chair or on a blanket tell me nothing of what that person does or thinks. I have pictures (of my naked old fat flabby body) in mykayak, carrying buckets of water in the barn, Riding the tractor, unmloading firewood from my truck, etc. those that want to know me can get an idea of the things I like doing. If they want a beautirful picture to hang on the minds wall...forget it!! I still look at those beautirful bodies... but only at their beauty no for substance. So there are more young beautiful bodies in photos than the rest . LOVE it. But we all choose our friends for other reasons.


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RE: Are most true nudist young?

It seems to me that "true nudity" is about the freedom of being restricted by societies expectations and norms!So then, why do most of the pictures seem to be young people? Why aren't older women (out of shape, a little heavy, unfortunalty also have cellulite) pictured walking through the parks, or playing a game at the camp?Free1010Bird
I believe that the answer lies in marketing, and since "sex sells" the pictures you are talking about are probably used tolure people to the park. I am not saying its "right" just saying thats how marketing works in the US and probably other countries. The people I have seen at the parks I have been to have been across the entire spectrum of body styles and ages, young, old,in shape, outta shape, you name it. Dont let the park websites fool you into believing that all nudists are young trim and perfect, life just doesn't make us that way.

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RE: Are most true nudist young?

I think the original question was a very good one, why do parks promoting a clothes free lifestyle portray only the young in shape people on their websites and in advertising? I have a friend that is having a hard time going with me to the camp site that I go to because she feels that nudists are slim and trim and she feels that she will feel out of place there, I think the marketing style should be changed to portray the "real" people that are nudists....

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RE: Are most true nudist young?

This is truely one of my favorite threads. Over the last couple of months, I have re-read the posts several times. To me, everyone has posted well thought out replys. In fact, it is the type of itelligent conversation that I have witnessed 99% of the time while at nude venues as apposed to

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RE: Are most true nudist young?

This question and it's parallel "why are they all so perfectly fit?" are, in my opinion, part of the reason so many people shy away from a nudist experience. They are afraid "they won't measure up" to all those around them, when the reality is that true nudists come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages just like the world around us.

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