Ready to host

Im ready to host a gathering at my apartment in San Antonio, Texas. But there are two things that is preventing me from doing so. First, is my husband. We have had a discussion about doing so and he was okay with it, or so he told me. The moment I started making plans for it, he flipped the script and reverted back to his apprehensive mind frame.

The second, is my lack of experience. I have hosted a game night my place before with some friends and it seemed to be very enjoyable to both me and my guests. But, I dont really know what is all the expectations. Where would the guests put their clothes? Do I have them bring a towel for sanitary purposes? Should I prepare all the food or should I make it a potluck?

Are there anyone who have already hosted nude parties who can provide me with some helpful tips with hosting a nude gathering?

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RE:Ready to host

As far as the guest's clothes, I would suggest having a separate bag for each one with a label they can put their name on for easy ID of the contents.

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RE:Ready to host

I would say when you invite people, it is important to set expectations from the start. Also naturists should bring their own towel to sit on, and keep surfaces clean.

I feel your pain, as my partner used to be open to it, pushing his boundaries, but chose not to have a good experience, looking at each thing with a critical eye instead of an open one.

Let us know if you go through with it and how it goes.


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RE:Ready to host

I'll tell you how we host quite a few parties during the club closed season. If something is helpful to you great. We do game nights perhaps just like you've done before we are just naked is all.
My wife makes some dishes and snacks to munch on through the night.
When guest arrive we show them where they can place there things.
We have extra towels out should anyone forget their's and it does happen. Heck we have done it going to our friends as well. No biggie
Put some music on in the background
Play some cards or games of your choosing. (Cards Against Humanity seems to be big hit in these parts. )
Have ice for drinks and some mix.
Tell people bring there own choice alcohol
When people ask if you want them to being anything tell them something if you choose, a dish or chips ect
I always have the Hot Tub ready to go.
Now go have fun !

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RE:Ready to host

I read the first post and responded before reading my good friend Rockdad's post. I've since deleted my post because I just echoed what he had posted. Do what Rockdad's post suggests and you'll have a great gathering!


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