Before you talk, think - Not always time for thought.Is it necessary? - Depends on one's definition of necessity.Is it true? - Always.Is it kind? - Kind of funny.Will it hurt someone? - Truth often hurts.Will it improve upon the silence? - Ask Simon & Garfunkel
Before YOU type, THINK.
Before you talk, think - Not always time for thought.
Is it necessary? - Depends on one's definition of necessity.
Is it true? - Always.
Is it kind? - Kind of funny.
Will it hurt someone? - Truth often hurts.
Will it improve upon the silence? - Ask Simon & Garfunkel.
Before you talk, Yes think, but not too hard nor too complicated
Is it necessary? Maybe not but it may be fun or it may add colour to a monochrome existence.
Is it true? Of course it's true. Lying is far to complicated. But there are different truths
Is it kind? It must not be unkind, positive not negative.
Will it hurt someone? That would be unforgivable. Us nudists are a varied bunch with different opinions, thoughts and outlooks on life. We should not put someone down just because we think differently.
Will it improve upon the silence? See "Is it Necessary".