RE:Nudists and personal space.

I didn't read your initial post as deliberate infringement on ones space so my answers would be;

Scenario 1; I'd most likely just stand up so we are face to face. If I knew the guy well enough, I'd make a funny, joking remark and hopefully he'd get the hint.

Scenario 2; At a nude resort, I'd most likely get up again and just stand. I've had this happen to us in clothed situations at an amusement park. Sitting on a bench that's barely long enough for 3 small people and some big assed person wants to squeeze in. I usually just sit my ground and say, "excuse me but now you're crowding me/us!" They usually get the hint and look for space elsewhere.

Scenario 3; Experienced this a our club. When we visit and stay, we're usually in our motorhome. We could shower in the coach but prefer showering together in the restroom/shower building. It's almost like showering outdoors with two large sliding glass door you can leave open. We were showering in this gang shower configuration with 7 shower heads. Di and I were using the two farthest to the left and a woman, resident, came in for her nightly shower and began using the one right next to me! We, my wife and I, just ended up using the same shower head so there was some space between me and that woman.

With respect to a woman coming into the shower with her kids; I wouldn't leave, just make sure they had plenty of room. Leaving abruptly gives the idea that in a nudist environment, you shouldn't shower next to kids. Though we don't see many kids at our club or even the resorts we've visited, we don't act any differently around them in a nudist environment.

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

I am more cautious about other people's personal space when I am naked. I would probably not be the one plopping down into contact between two other people I did not know, for example, although I would do that on a subway. If I DO know the people, I would not hesitate.

Talking to someone I knew, I would want to be face-to-face, so if they were lying down, I'd tend to sit or crouch beside them, naked or not - although it would not occur to me that standing above someone was sexual.

But I don't see the people in 1, 2, or 3 as being rude or inappropriate at all.

#1 - I'd continue to lie there. The poster says the standing person was not being deliberate about the stance, and (as we say endlessly in the male-reaction threads) you really can read intentions very easily, so I'd trust that perception. I probably wouldn't give it a second thought.

#2 - I'd continue to sit there. And I would give it a second thought. I'd edge away as much as practicable to make space. Unless the conversation on the bench included me, I'd probably mosey away in due course. If it did include me, I'd stay. Which is pretty much exactly what would happen if we were clothed.

#3 - I just don't see an issue. The shower was the only one available, so there ya go. Mothers with kids have enough issues without me getting huffy about crowding the shower. I'd be glad she trusted me enough to barge in, and to make space for them.

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

I am also one who would see no difference clothed or nude, except in the shower of course.

I. If it's just a short chat on their way to the shower, there is no reason to move or be uncomfortable. There's nothing more discomforting about his penis than his face, which is what I'd be looking at if he were talking to me.

2. Two "flanks" touching is the same clothed or not as well. Happens all the time in crowded situations. If it were uncomfortably crowded, as in I was being pushed off the edge, I would probably move elsewhere since they were joining their partner on the bench, though it would be nice if they were polite enough to ask first.

3. I see no problem in this scenario. Would you have felt differently if it were a father with children?

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

So, you are nude sitting on the toilet. A friend sticks his crotch in your face. He moves it to within two feet of your face. And you say you wouldn't care if his naked dangling dong was two feet from your face. You wouldn't rather he was fully dressed instead of naked?What do you expect if you leave the cubicle door open. He would have needed to get that close in order to not be standing outside the cubicle.

There was no cubicle door because there was no cubicle,
just three toilet bowls sitting along one wall.

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

During my first social nudity experience, a woman I didnt know stood above me as we talked about a book she was reading. I felt that if she trusted me enough to stand there then there was no problem. On most occasions however I would stand and chat face to face.

I would also stand if a woman came to sit on the bench I occupied with her mate.

The shower at our local club is open my wife and I showered with other people in the room with us. It was a great experience for me. Just a continuation of the freedom of being socially nude.

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

I need my comfort zone (because of my illness). This area is a bit bigger than normal people.

#1: I would get up and talk.
#2: That would not work. I would get up and go away.
#3: If there was enough distance, it would not bother me. Otherwise I would finish quickly and go away.

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

I think the same rules of civility and courtesy exist in the nude world as in the clothed world, and vice versa. There isn't much different.

For example, clothed or unclothed someone talking to you with their crotch 2 feet from your face would be weird (and as someone pointed out, how are you even having a conversation?). It's best to diffuse these situations diplomatically both in the clothed and unclothed worlds.

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

Sorry but it does not matter if male or female. If you are in my personal space I will let you know.

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

The responses to the three scenarios is very interesting.

For me, I feel the first situation seems innocent enough. Reminded me for a moment of the Seinfeld episode with the close talker. I wouldn't consider it an invasion of space, I'd just let it run its course. Situations like that happened in the textile world every day. As Steve said, any ill intent would probably be understood and could be addressed if it became evident.

With the second, In any normal circumstance I would probably just get up and offer my seat to the person who had just sat down seeing they evidently needed to sit more than I. No different than I would offer up my seat if I was waiting at a restaurant and I saw woman standing.
If it was a male that sat down and was sitting close to my wife and I stood up, and he didn't move over to give her space, my perception would be there was a different intent. I would probably suggest to her that we go get a drink or something, after a few moments of conversation, so not to appear rude.

The third one also seems very innocent to me as well. Obviously the mother didn't seem to have any concern for the children being around another couple. All were there for the same purpose. Perhaps she was just in a hurry to get her kids cleaned up. So, just share the space as best you can. If the mother and her children were comfortable in the situation why would you want to make them feel uncomfortable. I think it would send the wrong message.

In all three cases, it's a matter of sizing up the situation and being polite, nothing more!

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RE:Nudists and personal space.

I don't see the "naked around children" as primarily an American issue. I don't agree that "most countries" are okay with adult nudity around children. Europe is NOT "most countries," and ALL of Europe is not accepting of nudity as one thinks. Some countries, yes, but not ALL.

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